If I contributed to running him away, then I apologize, have learned the error of my ways, and will begin turning a blind eye to such folly which will sure as the sun rises return here again and again. And again.
Again, I see my intent was unclear. It isn’t a wrong or right
issue. I’m sorry I gave that impression. No one owes an
apology. Please allow me to make myself more clear:
I know each of you responded in the way you felt was needed.
I do not want to change the way you respond. I only expressed
my disappointment. It it I who owes an apology - I clearly
did not express myself well in that first post. For the record
I do not want any of you to change how you reply to people.
If I don't like the responses I will continue to express that.
To business:
I have a standing deal with Maverick Entertainment, Asylum and
Brain Damage. I have a personal contacts at LionsGate and
Shoreline. I bring the right project and it gets made.
No sub-genre preferred or avoided. And no deadline. When I
find the script I get the money. The criteria is pretty standard
and spelled out in the above quote. What I don’t have is the
money to pay a writer to write. I wish I did. It would be nice to
find someone I could work with for a few months until we got
the right script. I’m afraid it needs to be written on spec.