Follow focus

What do you need a follow focus for?
I understand that you can switch the focus between several objects in a shot.
Is there any other useful thing you can do with it?
What separates a good from a bad follow focus?
Have you got some recommendations for a good one?
Is it even useful to spend a couple of 100 for a follow focus when you can DIY for 5?
You have to change focus as objects and actors move throughout the frame or as the camera moves. You can do it without a follow focus, but it's much easier with one and you can have a focus puller on the side of the lens focusing on, well, focusing.

You can't DIY the same thing as a real, geared FF. There are cheap solutions to making focusing a little easier but it's not the same as an actual follow focus. The differences between brand are feel, accuracy, resistance, and other little things like moveable markers and stops.

I really like the RedRock follow focuses, others prefer more expensive brands.

If you're spending up to $100k on lenses (per your other thread) then you can afford a follow focus.

Don't forget, you need something to mount the FF to. Most use a 15mm rail system like Zacuto, RedRock, Jag35 or any other brand you prefer.
Follow Focus is essential if you have a Focus Puller pulling focus. Matte Box is essential if you want to be using square filters, and is also helpful for the odd stray flare.

If you don't have a Focus Puller, and aren't using square filters, neither are really essential, but can be good to have.