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watch FIX-Another short film about time loops and such things

Yeah, I suppose it's not terribly original, but it was fun and I needed something to do with my afternoon on this boring vacation. I'd like to apologize in advance for the horrid sound design... I think one of those newfangled "windscreen" doohickeys all the kiddies have been talking about would be rather useful in the future. What do you guys think?
Simple, but effective example on how to approach this subject. Now, go rent TIME CRIMES and you'll enjoy the heck out of it. :yes:
I think a "windscreen" will be most helpful. Also, the camera was jerking around in an almost mechanical fashion. It made it highly distracting for me. Handheld can be tough for sure, but man, that camera sure was jerking around a lot in those shots of the guy just sitting there.
@Scoopicman: Thanks, that looks awesome! I'll definitely put it on my list. @Powerkicker: Yeah, my ten-year-old brother was doing the camerawork. The thing is, I have no money whatsoever (having spent it all on my T3i and not having a job) to purchase basic necessities, but in addition to a windscreen a tripod is high on my priority list for whenever I come across some cash.