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First five minutes of "Source Code" leaves you wanting less -- The Filmsmith

First five minutes of "Source Code" leaves you wanting less -- The Filmsmith

I remember reading this script before it ever got into Jones' hands and was excited to see when it would get made. I wasn't a fan of Moon, so naturally I wasn't too thrilled when I heard he was going to be taking on the project. And it appears that so far, my worry was justified to some extent. I really hope Jones didn't goof up the entire film. But that's just me.

Five years ago when this script was on the blacklist and had sold off to Universal it was easily accessible to anyone on the internet, as were most scripts. I got my start in filmmaking with screenwriting. I found sites that would post scripts and then I had screenwriting friends who knew a guy who knew a guy. So, until about a year ago I had access to many scripts that weren't in production and some that were. But now, that sort of thing doesn't happen. Script sharing, I mean. Especially after the Fox vs Mcllavine thing happened awhile back. But yeah, to answer your question: I knew a guy who knew a guy.
Unfortunately, this movie and the premise already feels like chewed gum. The trailer didn't hook me and I know right now that I will wait until we can queue it up on Netflix.

The INCEPTION trailer sold me. The Source Code trailer, and the first five minutes, does not.