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watch First (Finished) Film, 'Every Rose Has Its Thorn'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zdfXCu1t2U4&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zdfXCu1t2U4&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>


Here's our first finished live-action film, 'Every Rose Has Its Thorn.' While this was first finished, we've been working on our first first live action film, 'James Vs Reality' for a few months now, plus I'm working on my solo-animated film 'The Chronicles of Nerm' (http://www.cwanimation.com/chronicles.htm).

'Every Rose' is just an odd little idea we had and decided to shoot it in a day as a test of our brand new equipment and our ability to use it, a first for us. A quirky little homage to 80's music. We shot it in a day, plus a weekend to edit and add in the visual effects in the film.

Check out more on our other (more extravagant) films at www.wellfixitinpost.com!

Thanks for viewing!

Chris Wilson
We'll Fix It In Post Productions
Last edited:

it was quite enjoyable, and surealy some really funny stuff here and there
big thumb up considering it was just a test.
I thought the production value was very good--sound, editing, picture...all very tight. The story was a bit confusing to me, but maybe that's because I was watching in the office and had to pause a few times.

Were both characters speaking in complete song lyrics? And what did the mine field bit have to do with them, the letter, etc.? :) Sorry...maybe I'll have to watch it again.

Quality production though.
I thought the production value was very good--sound, editing, picture...all very tight. The story was a bit confusing to me, but maybe that's because I was watching in the office and had to pause a few times.

Were both characters speaking in complete song lyrics? And what did the mine field bit have to do with them, the letter, etc.? :) Sorry...maybe I'll have to watch it again.

Quality production though.

For those that are confused (as it is VERY odd), the dialogue is lyrics from Bon Jovis 'Livin On A Prayer.' Theyre talking about 'friends' of theirs, Tommy and Gina, and reading from a love letter that these two assholes have stolen from Gina and making fun of the sincerity of it. As it gets to the 'chorus', we gave them a reason to be screaming "WHOAA WHOAAAA, We're half way there, take my hand we'll make it I swear." (and clearly going through a 'Post Apocolyptic Area, Next 1 Mile' area would cause you to react like that!)

The whole thing is an homage to crappy 80s music.
Awesome idea, a short film that is lyrics to a pop song. Fans of Bon Jovi will connect immediately, and have to explain to non-fans what's going on... I could see this as a great little festival film. Dialog was hard to hear in a few spots, and no one was touching the radio when the last station was tuned in.

If you don't have clearance for the music you'll run into issues if you release or enter in fests.

The title should have been Living On A Prayer.
The title should have been Living On A Prayer.

I thought it was funnier that it wasn't, since the entire film is so nonsensical! I'd love to put it into festivals, but realize it'd probably be near impossible to do.

Thanks for all the VERY nice words everyone!
Story made no sense at all.

But that's cool. :cool:

Brought back a lot of memories, though. My dad & I used to play "The Song Game", on long trips, when I was a kid. Basically, having conversations using just lyrics. (and having to name the song & singer, before returning the favour). We'd cheat with dialogue from The Goon Show, if stuck.

Very well shot.

Hilarious production company name, too. :lol:
Cool stuff.

Something no one else mentioned. CONTINUITY! It sort of killed the film for me. Camera is focused on the driver. Quick cut to passenger. Quick cut to driver. Driver's hands are now on a different part of the steering wheel.