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First Chance to win a RED scarlet

Hello again folks, the company I work for has just announced the first part of our video contest – The MOGA Mega Video Challenge! This will be your first chance to win 1 of 2 RED Scarlets. Can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
I’ll give a brief description of the rules for this one.

- Make a video about the frustrations of mobile gaming.
- Video must be 30-90 seconds long
- Required Elements: Movie quote, cat, and pie
Make sure to go to http://www.mogaanywhere.com/video-contest to read the rules and download the Video Bumpers that must be included in your video.

Again great luck to all of you. The company I work for is making this possible and we are extremely excited to see the video submissions! I will be one of the people doing the initial judging. I am big on cinematography and sound design, just giving you a heads up.
I'll be participating and am working on my ideas right now.

Everyone wish me luck and if I fail, I'll commit suicide in the ancient Japanese ritual of self-disembowelment known as "seppeku"