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watch FINDING BUSTER BROWN --a new webseries.

I didn't care for this too much. Not sure what the reconstituted web conference footage was attempting to accomplish, but it almost made me turn it off. I think it is there to set a sort of Blair Witch vibe, but it takes too long. When the detective started, there was something off about his dialect...it may be real but it sounds forced and phony. And his lines...young men just don't talk like Columbo. He'd know his phone doesn't have the capacity to play video; he wouldn't have to look at it. The physical comedy gag of the Fed not being able to open his door and taking an inordinate amount of time to get out the passenger side fell flat...you know that's the gag as it begins and then have to wait as it plays out.

The handheld photography was fine and the sound is great, but if this is a pilot or a pitch it didn't hook me or inspire me to want more. I think I know the elements, and where you might take them, and I'd like to be more interested, but I think you could accomplish the same goals in half the time. Play up the madcap, speed up the gags, cut the telephone conversation in half.

Hope this helps.
Yah, I got the Blair Witchy thing too... but the rest was good.

Tbh, I was expecting more funny-ha-ha (since the YT page titles it a comedy in big letters). Once the feel for the thing actually kicked in, it reminded me of Slater's character in True Romance for some reason. Which is good. :cool:

I'd definitely watch more episodes, though yah - as is, the opening just seems a bit weird and out of place. (I'm sure there's a reason for it, mind you. Just haven't seen it yet)

I totally agree guys. I think it runs long in places--I was actually thinking about this yesterday. I think, in this society of instant gradification, holding scenes too long, or not upping the pace can seem to drag...

The beginning is a little out of place...but I guess it's what they chose to setup the story...you know, who is this guy, and what's the case about?

I really dig some of the gags though...really funny to me. I'm sure when they shoot more, they will pick up the pace.
It's not that the scenes hold to long, or the shot holds too long.

It's that what's being said and what's being shown isn't visual/audiably appealing enough to hold most peoples attention.

Although I thought the scene of the cop waking up at the begining looked nice, it held so long with little movement and the dialouge wasn't very interesting/funny to make me forget that I was starring at the same frame.
I think, in this society of instant gradification, holding scenes too long, or not upping the pace can seem to drag...

Imo, it's more to do with the end product and how it's supposed to be viewed. It's a web-series, after all.

If you broke any classic film (say 2001: Space Odyssey) into 200 small segments, and made a new episode/segment available every Friday for download to your Zune or ipod... you'd soon have a pretty bored audience. That's not because 2001 is a crappy film; it's just not designed to be delivered piece-by-piece in small media format.

There are a lot of media developers who just don't get that - heck, there's a lot of them jumping on the "web-series" buzzword/bandwagon, just taking their existing short films and divvying them up into 5 or 10 minute chunks and proclaiming, "Hey! It's now a web-series!".

It ain't.

I'm losing my train of thought, at any rate. :blush:

I'll subscribe to this Buster Brown when it's ready, for sure. I liked the gags so far. :cool:
