Finding a local club/crew/actors.

Lately I've been kind of a shut-in, because I don't have a lot of places to socialize near me. I'm taking a leave of absence from college because I need to work off my student loans, and I want to start making a ton of short films, but I have very few nearby friends to help me. Any ideas?
Check Craigslist for actors willing to work for no pay, wanting experience--Preferable living in your area, so you'll just cover eats and not long haul travel. I'm not sure what the buzz is like in Penns, but this should help you out.

While you're there, check for local collaborators to help out, they could come with equipment, they may know actors, they may even want to work with you a whole lot more. If you search, you'll discover there's a lot of people in the same boat as you.
Sniff around linkedin and facebook for groups in your area?

Also, poke around coffee shop bullitin boards and see if any related groups/meetings/events are posted?

Conversely, start one of the above and see who comes along?
Get started by putting together a short. Get a writer, or write one (you can't write a writer...that would be fantasy). Find a few people to help with preproduction. Once you are totally ready to shoot, post shit all over your town and on FB for auditions.

If you were a stranger in that town to won't be now. It only takes one production to make friends (or enemies)...
