Final Day - Hooligan's Valley

It's in the can! Huzzah!

On our final day, we met up at 8am at the location. Luckily, today was all interior so it didn't matter how hard it rained. (It's still pouring down in Los Angeles. What's up with that?)

I was back on "crew" today. Actually... aside from Joseph Buevo on "slate", I was the only crew. At the end of the day, when the strike was complete at 2am, I could barely feel my legs. (Awwww, poor Stevie)

Anyways, since I was running all over all day & night I only took a few photos. I gave my camera to David Ament & Sebastian to take all the rest, so there are many cast member piccies. I hope you like 'em.

It's not every day I get asked to chain up a scantily-clad damsel-in-distress.

Well... on a film set, anyway.

This is Kitty, the soulmate of Itchy, who has been kidnapped by the evil Primo.



It's all smoke and mirrors... literally.

Aaron Platt (the DP) is up on the dolly, setting up some interesting angles.

The fog machine broke down early on, but we had a replacement within 90 minutes. There were many cool lighting effects going on between the (expertly placed by Steve) lights and the fog.

The dolly was really neat to push around, as well. We did some shots on straight tracks... but even better was when we laid down a complete circle of tracks... a full 360 degrees.
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Kitty (left) and Itchy (right) pose for a snapshot, between takes.

A sidenote: Up until now, most of the sound has been very quiet or controlled. Travis Stoffs (on sound, with earphones) was not prepared for the earful of shrieks that Kitty let loose, on her first take. He pulled the headphones off, mid-take, in a sudden start.

Miss Kitty has exceptional... lungs.



Travis Stoffs (working the DAT normally) has stolen the slate.

It says we're at 25 now... I think we were at 32 or 33 when we finally finished the whole shoot.

(5 points if you recognise his T-shirt. One of the greatest horror flicks ever made)
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Evil comes in many shapes and sizes.

On the left is Sebastian, who plays the part of Primo... Itchy's arch-nemesis.

I wish I could remember the names of the two ladies in this pic. Actually, I am missing most the rest of the names too, as it was David Ament (Itchy, in this pic) running about with my camera and conveniently not taking notes to match up the faces.

So I blame David, 'til I get the cast sheet from Other Side Cinema.



Sebastion (now in his pimp-ish suit) flew in late Saturday night from Tampa FL, to be here for Sunday's shoot. He owns a bar there, and I'll post his website URL when I get that information.

The lady with him (thanks a bunch, Dave... name?) was very nice and a great sport between takes, and while I was changing the sets.
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Mark Terry works on a little air-guitar.

The film's Producer has an appearance at the end, playing/singing along to a band of yesteryear that has graciously allowed use of the music for the finale.

I won't say the name of the group... but if you heard it, I'd wager you know it. :cool:


Joseph Buevo (probably spelt his name wrong... again) and pre-makeup Kitty.

I suspect that she likes the same kind of music as I (given her horned wave), but I never got a chance to ask.

Anyways... interesting shot of a "before & after".
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Sean Arthur Salon at its finest. It may look a bit messy in the background (that was our fault, cramming all kinds of odd things into odd places), but they worked around that just fine.

Nothing quite like getting a shampoo, rinse and professional haircut at 1am in the morning!
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Lenny Lenox (left) and David Ament (right) reject Steve's request to be meet up with the ladies, on set.

Back to work, they proclaim!



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Nothing says "It's a wrap" better than the sight of this.

There was still a few hours of equipment packing afterwards, but that mix certainly hit the spot after the final take.
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Zensteve, The post looks fantastic. The photos are great! :) Sorry about the journalism, the was no place for pen and paper in the jacket. David Ament (Itchy)
Thank you Everybody

I would like to thank everybody that worked with us on Hooligan's Valley. Mark, Vito and myself are very happy with the way the shoot went. I would really like to thank Steven Richards for his time and HARD work, the guy is a soilder. He played a significant role during the shoot. Thanks again Steve! Again all of you did one hell of a job.
dament said:
no place for pen and paper in the jacket.

Now how am I supposed to get any phone numbers... err... I mean... journalistic information from the ladies (that's the ticket :cool: ) if you don't carry a notepad & pen on your person?

Seriously, was great of you to take all those pics for me. I'll get all the details matched up as soon as I can.
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oscLLox said:
Thanks again Steve!

You are most welcome, good sir.

I had a great time with every aspect of the shoot, and learned quite a lot.

I just wish I'd had time to interview all the people on the final day. :cool: