editing Final Cut Pro - best price?

$795 for the latest Final Cut Pro is a good price. Apple employees get it for $500 and I would have bought it that way (a good friend works for Apple) had I owned a mac. But I am a PC guy.

I don't think there is anything wrong with getting a student version of software. Heck, I just got CS5 via a friend who is a student who would never use it herself. After paying for Windows 7 64bit, $85 to double my ram and $70 on a new and much faster hard drive I was tapped out and certainly didn't have $1600. I wish!

My system is circa 2008 and yet I can now handle DSLR 1080p no problems. CS5 with a decent system and 8GB of ram rocks. I am just blown away. of course, I know absolutely nothing about editing myself and am a complete beginner, so I have a heck of a learning curve ahead of me.

What I most want to do is take my rough cut of the short film I am working on, which was edited in Final Cut Pro, and swap it over to Adobe Premiere so I can continue editing on my own system. If anyone is in NYC and has the latest Final Cut Pro, please, lend a man a hand. :)
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The reason not to get the Academic version is that there's likely to be an FCP update during 2011 or early 2012 and I presume that Jeff would be both inclined to upgrade and disinclined to pay the full price again.

I got my copy a couple of weeks ago and ended up shelling out £450 for it off Amazon. I daren't use eBay, but if you're that sort of crazy adrenalin junky then you can probably bag a copy for about £300...
The reason not to get the Academic version is that there's likely to be an FCP update during 2011 or early 2012 and I presume that Jeff would be both inclined to upgrade and disinclined to pay the full price again.

I got my copy a couple of weeks ago and ended up shelling out £450 for it off Amazon. I daren't use eBay, but if you're that sort of crazy adrenalin junky then you can probably bag a copy for about £300...

I watched someone torrent Final Cut Express. It works, but there are limitations and besides it just not being right, why cripple yourself? Those hacked programs are never 100%. there are always issues that will cause you headaches. Better to just sell yourself on a street corner and raise the money to buy the real thing. :lol:

Or find a student.

Myself, I learned a bit of editing by using the stripped down Vegas (goes forlike $80 to $100). Hated it. Was buggy as hell with DSLR footage, but... I did learn enough to have someone of a start with CS5.

Just watched a little thing on how The Social Network was completely edited with CS5. If David fricking Fincher is using CS5, then that is good enough for me.
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$795 for the latest Final Cut Pro is a good price. Apple employees get it for $500 and I would have bought it that way (a good friend works for Apple) had I owned a mac. But I am a PC guy.

this is nice to know, My Uncles best friend is a employee at Apple. I went through him for my iMac. Saved me like 400 dollars. Will be hitting him up for FCP.