Films help?

Actors aren't going to like a filmmaker with a temper, it creates an uneasy set. Watch the Spider-Man 1 and 2 special features about the director Sam Raimi. The actors talk about what he does on the set to keep everything comfortable.
Step 1: Employ actor David Caruso and be sure he makes every call sheet.

Step 2: Tell everyone to make sure their cell phones are on and set to the loudest most annoying ring available.

Step 3: Stand back and watch the fireworks.
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Gavin, maybe if we understood exactly what you mean and why you are asking this seemingly random question it might help us to have better comments.

I am just confused about what you're shooting for.

Same here, give us details on how this has anything to do with films. Otherwise maybe this was a question for an anger management counselor.
Prioritize your anger. I have major anger issues and i have that same problem but then one day i realized that some who is always mad after a while looses that affect they have on people when they become mad. After a whil eit's just like " who is that yelliing?" "oh it's just the crazy bitch from this morning." you know? When you get mad, just cool down, i'm not saying count to ten or anything but remove yourself from the situation. the words you say are always worse when they're well thought up then when you just errupt a volcano of "blah blah blah's". especially if your dealing with actors. It's better to use your anger as a tool of intimidation than to let yourself be it's instrument of stupidity because int eh end, after a temper tantrum, you do feel kind of stupid.
don't let it get to you

Gavin said:
How can one increase ones good-heart and decrease ones temper?
Prioritize your anger. I have major anger issues and i have that same problem but then one day i realized that some who is always mad after a while looses that affect they have on people when they become mad. After a whil eit's just like " who is that yelliing?" "oh it's just the crazy bitch from this morning." you know? When you get mad, just cool down, i'm not saying count to ten or anything but remove yourself from the situation. the words you say are always worse when they're well thought up then when you just errupt a volcano of "blah blah blah's". especially if your dealing with actors. It's better to use your anger as a tool of intimidation than to let yourself be it's instrument of stupidity because int eh end, after a temper tantrum, you do feel kind of stupid. the good heart part should follow instinctively afterwards.
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Gav, i'll let you in on a secret of how to de-stress your life.
not 1 lemon. not 2. 4 lemons.
eat them Gavin. eat every single one of them. by the time you've had your second I promise you all the stress will be gone, by the end of the 3rd you will be rolling about with the giddy joy of acids making your inner belly moist.
if all the lemons fail - try the last one -
people die, people don't have computers, they don't have a hope.
people have had to make decisions about wars, killing hundreds of thousands with a signature.
whatever your concerns are - they are most likely tiny, insignifcant, and don't even deserve attention in the grand scheme of things.

mine don't ;)
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Lemons? Poppy-cock!!!
What kind of hack doctor are you Zool?
Take it from me (a real medical professional.. self taught!):
Lemons are for horses... real men eat dirt. That's right. Dirt.
Once you've eaten enough dirt while angry, you will always associate anger with dirt, and everytime you get angry after that, you'll taste dirt. That way, you won't get angry because dirt tastes bad.
Lemons taste good.
Dirt tastes bad.
Lemons are yellow.
Dirt is many colors. (If you live near a nuclear plant, use the lemons)

ah, that is a different Zool. he was the first. he did indeed die of too many lemons (38 and a third and a twist). i am the new zool.

you have indeed done well for yourself today Spatula....
only 20 i see too.....
my, my
til the next time our swords meet......
feeling scared?.....go get yourself some watermelons.....

i hope you enjoy this Gavin.....whenever you get stressed picture Spatula here munching away on watermelons as I breeze through the air too pure for him to even breathe....
'like them do ya? like those watermelons do ya?'
imagine this until he has finished his watermelons, then stop
becasue noone should know what would happen to him after that...
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