Filmmaker Needs Help

I just got off the phone with LIZA TRAINER from

She is in dire need of help from this community. :(

Her studio, which is her home, was destroyed by a tornado caused by hurricane Wilma. :no:
She was in there when the tornado hit. She had three pets, George the dog, Chicken the parakeet, and RatsAroni the rat. Chicken was killed. RatsAroni was saved and I didn't get any info on George because the phone kept cutting out.

All the windows are broken on her X-Terra. The power is still out and gas is in VERY short supply.
Liza works at an executive airport which was pretty much destroyed as well. The hangers were ripped up like an aluminum can. She doesn't have a job and she's homeless.

Every night she goes back to her studio to defend what's left from the looters. There is some salvagable equipment there but she can't put it in her car and take it anywhere because there's no gas, no money, and nowhere to go. :no:

They were able to take pics of all of this and they should be put online tonight.

She asked me to call out to the fellow filmmakers in the community and ask for help.

Liza is an amazing person and is willing to make props or help out anyone at any time. Now she needs our help!

She is asking for whatever money you can spare. They are setting up a paypal account with a button to donate money to. :yes:

If you can help at all, I pray on your compassion and ask that you give to an extrordinary person and fellow filmmaker.

I will keep you updated.

Michael S. Copeland
I have been to the studio since to bring supplies and assistance- and can confirm -its worse than you might think. Most of her equipment, props, computers, archived media, had enormous quantities of water dumped over everything and blown around, what wasn't blown out the windows (some of the hurricane shutters blew off). Liza is sick with anxiety and loss of sleep. The area is still without power and there is still tremendous risk of being looted and attacked.

However, George is ok.

I was worried about George, I'm glad he's OK.

I'm glad you made it on Vanessa. I heard that your car was damaged but it saved your clinic... What happened?
I put Grommit (my MINI) in harms' way- I heard the winds would be coming from the southeast so I drew a line between the southeast and my clinic's windows- and parked him as close as possible right in the path figuring if anything was going to go through my big front windows it might hit the car first. So a big "For Lease" sign for our shopping plaza ripped off before the eye came through and sliced through the roof and windshield. It would have wrecked my clinic and put the animals (and me since I stayed here) at risk. So what, I have a little inconvenience and have to commute on bike (I couldn't keep the rental for very long). The only minus is that the body shop still doesn't have power to start. It also means I can't help Liza out very well now, she's 50 miles south, unless I get Marc to take me down.
Yea, I don't know if Marc is still up in Sarasota or not... I know he wants to interview you for the documentary. It would be cool to get shots of the car too!

I'm glad everyone is OK though. Good thinking on your part!