Filming in a nightclub

Iam going to make a short documentry about Detroit techno music. The documentary will be largely shot inside a club with the interviewing of DJs taking place during the day prior to the actual night. I work independently (own my own gear). I want to retain the rights to all material as I am currently building up a portfolio, however the promoter of the night has asked if they can use the edit on their website to promote the night. What do I say?

Also with regards to release forms, who do I need this from and what should they say?

Owner of the actual building ?
Promoter of the night ?
DJs who are being interviewed (some of who have agents) ?
All the clubbers who may be filmed ???

Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm a newb but I would get as much paper as you can. If in doubt, get them to sign.

All the clubbers who may be filmed ???

If they're just in the background I doubt it. Half the people in the club will love being in a film, the other half will get annoyed. I would have a massive sign saying: IF YOU WANT TO BE FILMED COME OVER HERE, and get the DJ to announce that you're in X corner for 2 hours.

Get anyone prominent to sign, just in case.
I'm a newb but I would get as much paper as you can. If in doubt, get them to sign.

If they're just in the background I doubt it. Half the people in the club will love being in a film, the other half will get annoyed. I would have a massive sign saying: IF YOU WANT TO BE FILMED COME OVER HERE, and get the DJ to announce that you're in X corner for 2 hours.

Get anyone prominent to sign, just in case.

I'm still learning about this type of thing too. Because it's private property, obviously you need permission to shoot. As for shooting other people dancing and whatnot, I am curious too. I know I was told if you direct someone (say tell them to walk across the screen), then you have to get a release. You did say it's mostly day, HOWEVER maybe you could use the "promo" idea as way of getting the permissions to shoot some nightime footage as well-the owner would let the people know, and you may have to make sure that people do know they may be filmed that night, and you or the owner gets the proper paperwork for anyone doesn't want to be filmed.

Like I said, I'm still learning too-lots of people here with a lot of knowledge about this stuff :)
As for shooting other people dancing and whatnot, I am curious too. I know I was told if you direct someone (say tell them to walk across the screen), then you have to get a release.

I remember hearing documentary makers + reporters are exempt from some rules, can't remember the legal term though.
I want to retain the rights to all material as I am currently building up a portfolio, however the promoter of the night has asked if they can use the edit on their website to promote the night. What do I say?

keeping in mind I have no experience I do have some common sense here are my thoughts.

The owner hired to promoter to make money.

The owner is being nice and letting you film in his club.

Giving this guy some clips to help promote and make the owner more money will make him happy.

You scratch his back he scratches yours

besides he promotes the night with YOU'RE documentary clips

he also promotes YOU'RE documentary

Did I understand what you said correctly? It's worded sorta wierd
It's a public event at a public place so a simple sign at the door saying "you are being video taped" is fine for patrons. You'll want a release from the artists and you'll need to ensure they are not doing protected cover tunes. Of course all you need from the club owner/manager is permission to shoot. You need nothing signed for that.