filming a wedding

i have to film my uncles wedding in september. instead of paying me he is mainly just gonna buy me stuff for my camera, that will also help the filming of his wedding. so what advice can you give to a first time wedding videographer and what all do i need to buy with his money?

first off the wedding is inside and i can only have one camera filming, and it must be up in the balcony.

i would like to here the preist and all that so do yall recommend wireless mics? i could spend up to probly $200-250 on them. and if i get wireless mics, what would i do about other sound, like the walking down the isle?

do i need to get a small light on the top of my camera for the wedding or the reception? i have a panasonic pvdv953 which is bad in low light, so any other ideas?

and for most people that do this, what do i give for a final tape. just the whole thing filmed and not really edited? the whole thing and a 15 minute highlight video? an edited shorter version of everything?

and other things i am planning on getting: 2 extra batteries, extra tapes (anyone know certain batteries and tapes that last longer?), a nice tripod (any recomendations for around 100 or less?) and would a wedding be better filmed in a wide lens?
I would use 4 wireless mikes, and a mixer. 1 wireless for the bride, 1 for the groom, 1 for the priest, 1 for the reader, then in channel 2 use a wired or wireless croud mike, you should be able to split the channels in post to eliminate parts of the crowd mike when you want to only hear speakers.
Why does the camera have to be up on the balcony? If you were able to get different angles I believe you would get a much better result.
If you are going to be stuck in a single location for the entire duration, with a single camera... up at the wedding rehearsal. Film everything at a wide angle, from your location.

Take lots & lots of notes about who is doing what (and when)... and watch that rehearsal tape to get as familiar as you can with the way it's going to go.

Do some basic shot-lists based on that tape. Be ready to swing/zoom that camera when it's "live".


what do i give for a final tape. just the whole thing filmed and not really edited? the whole thing and a 15 minute highlight video? an edited shorter version of everything?

Ask your uncle. He's the one paying. :)

It's a very different matter when working for "family".
thanks for all the great replies. its time to start buying this stuff though so i can practice working with it. anyone know what wireless mics i should buy? i dont think i could spend over 300 for mics and a mixer, would i even be able to get all this? or would just a wireless mic on the preist be fine for all 3 of them?