Film school entry ideas

I am interested in applying to attend a film school. They ask that we send an example of our work - if I make something specifically for this application, what kind of things should I include to heighten my chances of being accepted? Thanks :)
Hey, first of all, I wish you luck!

I think you should send the absolute best work you've ever done, whether it's something from the past or something new you create. Honestly though, I think you're asking the wrong people. I think you should send a query to someone in admissions. I imagine they'd be happy to both get and respond to your question.
I did go to artschool and I applied for the filmdepartment. This was in 2001 and artschools tend to look differently at applications than filmschools.
I was expected to bring drawings as well.
So I brought my best work: drawings, a drawn animation, a trailer of a short shot with miniatures and a webcam plus the storyboard I made for it. This way I apparently showed I was creative enough and had some understanding of the medium to start studying there.
Now it's 2016: I don't think I would pass with this, because gear and software are far more accesible than 15 years ago.

Bring your best work.
Bring storyboard you made as well.
If you feel you can do better: create something new.
(Creating something new is always good, btw!)
Make sure you know how much time you've got for your presentation.
And show you've got passion, creativity and energy.

Ask someone who is already studying there about their application.

Good luck!
It depends on the school you're applying to, but most of the time a film school isn't necessarily expecting intense, high-end production values that blow them away.

What they're looking for is voice. Do you have a voice? Can you tell a story? Is your stuff interesting? What's your point of view? etc.

If you have a compelling story told in an interesting way, that's significantly more beneficial than a boring or cliche story with the world's greatest production values.
if I make something specifically for this application, what kind of things should I include to heighten my chances of being accepted?
I agree with jax, they want to see YOU in your application film. To
heighten you chances of being accepted show what you can do with
nothing; a phone camera and free editing software.