Film Scene Leaving NYC


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
The tax incentives are in effect until 2013, BUT there is no money to fund the incentives, so productions are leaving town. I hope the Governor fixes this.

If there ain't no money... there ain't no money. :(

Maybe they'll head up to that Seacoast guy :)

Hard times abound. Count those pennies, when budgeting!

Reminds me; anyone have a link to any open-source budgeting software?
Times are tough. But to look on the bright side of things, maybe people should start looking into how far they can actually stretch their budget. I think some indie production companies aim way too high for a budget...but as long as you have a team that believes in the can get amazing results at shoe-string levels.

Hell, our last feature was under 10K...and it looks HUGE! It's all about what you do with your money.

And to be honest...the ol' strategy of shooting a trailer/pilot first and expecting more investment...well...I say stop wasting your time, and shit or get off the pot. Shoot your feature, without a damn binky to suck on for security. So many pictures don't get done because the producer is waiting on the 100K they think they can get...or the million. I say just shoot your damn picture, and get it out there.

I got a little side-tracked...sorry.

My point being...who cares about the economy. If you love to make films, make them. Today's technology is allowing features to be made for extremely low just have to be creative and crafty.

My point being...who cares about the economy. If you love to make films, make them. Today's technology is allowing features to be made for extremely low just have to be creative and crafty.


Your whole post was spot on. I couldn't have said it better. It isn't how much money... it is how much creativity and ingenuity is put into the project... by hook or by crook... Just do it.