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Film Festival at Atlanta Comicon

The 1st Annual ASG Independent Film Series (that's what we're calling it this week) is now accepting entries for all lengths & genres of film and video projects to screen during the Atlanta ComiCon on April 11-13, 2003. Presented by the Atlanta Screenwriters Group, the festival will be held at the Gwinnett Civic Center in Duluth, GA.

Entry fee is $0. That's right -- free entry -- but time is running out. The deadline for entry is March 17, 2003 (postmark date), and priority will be given to films received earlier.

Go here for more details:

Go here for an entry form:

Go here for more details on the Atlanta ComiCon:

- Mike.
I know you said any length but is a feature film that is 115 min. have a chanse as far as festival scheduling goes?
Length isn't a factor in our judging of the films (unless its something like a 36-hour epic, of course). If we like it, we'll find some way to schedule it. Send it in!

- Mike.

This festival definitely sounds interesting.

We can still use some more entries. I've gotten some great films that we'll be screening, but I still have a lot more time to fill. Keep sending in those tapes!

- Mike.
Just wanted to let you know you should be expecting my film (the 115 minute one) any day now. I sent it to you guys yesterday. It is entitled Ambition Withdraw. Could you let me know when you get it?

Thank you very mcuh and rock on!!!!

Jason :)