archived-videos Fight Scene Three

Ok finally i got it.

if that direct link doesnt work then then click fight scene 3, its the only thing there right now.

Anyway, this is just a product of boredom, we were bored and we filmed. Not supposed to be serious, its kind of a spoof i guess. Just watch it.

Again, sound and video are degraded because of my lack of exporting knowledge.
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It was funny. But the fighting looked very stiff and rehearsed. Of course I know it was rehearsed, but to me, even in a spoof, it shouldn't look so stiff, it should look more like fluid movement.

But it gave me a laugh. I like the angry son's facial expressions. He looked like a young Bruce Campbell.

yea, i never get why those two (tim and brandon) can't make a fight look real to save their lives. I took Tae Kwon Do when i was little so maybe that knowledge is still with me? I dont know, how'd you like the jump? :rofl:

that was very funny. hey, How did you guys reverse the video like that with the wall scene? I still havnt figured out how to do it in vegas.
well, i dont know about vegas, but in adobe premiere i just right click the clip, speed/duration then check the reverse box. I wanna start doing a LOT bigger reverse jumps, they're sweet haha.
That was pretty funny. :lol:

My only advice is to try to make your cuts quicker during the fight scenes. There were a few times one of guys was paused for a split second before kicking or punching.
AH yea, thanks. I need to actually do a fully choreographed fight, most of this is improved on the spot, then "prefected" (haha), more like refined so both of them know how the fight is happening. Maybe I'll do a completely improv fight sequence! I've never seen that, only in comedies...hmm, maybe.
It told a complete story, too! Bonus! :cheers:

I thought it was pretty good. You're attempting some interesting techniques there, most of which I'd be too darn chicken to even try. The one of the fella on the stairs lying on his back, head towards the bottom, as the other lands on his shoe and gets propelled over... sheesh! :cool:
well, i dont know about vegas, but in adobe premiere i just right click the clip, speed/duration then check the reverse box. I wanna start doing a LOT bigger reverse jumps, they're sweet haha.

What version of adobe.....
That is in Pro. (You need to make sure Video & Audio have been unlinked first.)

After unlinking, both Video & Audio track will still be highlighted. Lose focus on Audio track so that only Video is highlighted, and the option "Duration/Speed" becomes available with a right-click on the Video track... with the checkbox for insta-reverse.

Hitting F1 in any version of Premiere (and most other Windows software) will bring up searchable help-files for the particular version that you use, if different, as directions vary. :yes:
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rizien said:
how'd you like the jump? :rofl:

Oh yeah, I meant to say something about that. It was the part I laughed the hardest at. I would however suggest that you work on having the actor transition better between the landing and climbing over the railing. You could tell he was pausing before the drop. If you had him come over the railing and drop immediately then you'd be able to cut it to look like a fluid motion. That falls uder what Goat said about working on the cutting (which I'm sure you love to hear, considering your love of editing).

I also liked the foot propulsion kick that Zen talked about.

haha yea, well brandon never believes any of my ideas will work. Tim will usually try something before dismissing it. And I've had a few ideas that i would like to try in a fight scene.

Like, brandon never thought the reverse jump would work, and while we all know tim can't jump that high, it still looks decent enough to be not be like "Tch thats way fake".

The foot propulsion just popped in my head right as we did that scene, and i decided to try it, it turned out ok, not the best but hell, i dont have special effects or any of that :)

Yea I really need to work on my editing. See...i like it, sometimes, but i hate it, more times. Haha...Nothing else i can do though, except edit my stuff.

Thanks for all the comments btw.

edit : Oh yea, that versus trailer looks sweet, ill probably end up being inspired by(stealing from) it. hahaha
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Very Cool . Theres not awhole I can say about it that hasn't already been said, However I will say that I liked your camera angles I think they added alot to the short.
Pretty good ;)

You used some solid intercutting and such. Next time, I would focus more on the fight and less on the "setup," since it is a spoof after all, and not a full film. I really liked the sound effects and music. Where you'd get the sound effects, btw? Did you make them?

As for the fights themselves, I would work on the editing to make things go faster, as others have mentioned. I would also work on the punch choreography. Most of it was simple back and forth, when in reality, punches can be incredibly complex but easy enough for anyone to do. Kicks are nice, but it's clear it's not the actors' strong point, so I would de-emphasize those, just like they do in the "I know kung fu" fight in The Matrix, which consisted largely of punches, stancework and wirework.

I liked the stunts, and I think they added to the film. Next time, I would focus more on the stunts, because that's clearly your actors' strengths. Also, that one move where one guy rolls over the other guy's back: that can be made to look more realistic, but you just need a little more practice. It's really neat.

Fight choreography is incredibly difficult, especially when dealing with non-martial artists trying to do a martial arts fight. However, for untrained fighters, they did really well, and it's a great first start :)
haha thanks, I didn't really even think about the angles, i just picked the spots and filmed it, which is the problem with me acting. I can fight, and commit to stunts/fights that i might get hurt in. But i dont trust my other friends with the creativity of camera-ing and the angles. I could still direct as an actor, but i cant man the camera, which sucks.

Fight choreography is really really difficult, as i learned, and even more so when the actors can't fight fluidly/martial arts style...haha.

I do want to bust out some bigger and badder stunts, I'll probably have to do them myself because some of the actors are scared of getting hurt...And i should be too with snowboard season rolling around, but oh well :)

We're currently trying to write a short with some depth and story, but total action/stunt style too, i hope we come up with something good.

Thanks for all teh comments :)
rizien said:
I could still direct as an actor, but i cant man the camera, which sucks.

Well, you *could*.. it would just make for very interesting shots :)

By the way, have you tried sending out a casting call for martial artists-actors in the area? That might help. I've found that using real martial artists makes up significantly for any flaws in choreography.