Feature film vs hour long episode.

Take an hour long episode of a series such as Quincy or CSI. How is this different from say an hour long Indie Film of a similar or smaller budget?

Trying to answer my own question I would say that in a film "every second should count" whereas in a tv episode there may be a lot of "filler". i.e. you could take any 5 seconds from Total Recall and it will be interesting whereas take a random 5 seconds from CSI and it could be some agent scratching has ass.

Do you think this is right and what other things differentiate a tv episode from an indie film?
take any 5 seconds from Total Recall and it will be interesting whereas take a random 5 seconds from CSI and it could be some agent scratching has ass.

That agent is scratching his ass for a reason.
Plus an hour long TV show isn't a full 60 minutes of footage. You have to figure 16 minutes worth out of that 60 to be commercials. You don't have that in a feature length film.
If you are referring to story, the difference is that a TV show has multiple episodes to fully develop the bigger story and individual episodes tell smaller stories that would be subplot in a movie.