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watch Fear Within - Short Film by Lisa Lynn Parsons

After a year long stint of agoraphobia, brought on by the murder of her cousin, Kira finally decides to join her friend for a night out on the town. Her wild imagination leads her down a frightening path toward the realization that fear is not worth the price of obsession. Or is it?


Written & Directed: Lisa Lynn Parsons
Produced by: Lisa Lynn Parsons, Kyle Lundberg, Olivier Taillieu
Executive Producer: Dion Rottman
Director of Photography: Bruce Alan Greene

Let us know your thoughts.
"Let us know your thoughts. "​

Started off with a good concept. Good imagery...

Except you made it seem like we were seeing police photographer angles (with the camera sounds), but it was not shot that way. That was a bit awkward.

Then, you used a cheap voice over in order to carry a significant portion of the story. That should go, and be shot as a dramatic scene or two. Blatant exposition comes off as soap opera, not tense thriller.

Next, the conversation in the parking garage is blatantly manipulated and not real. They just found a dead girl in the same park. Her friend would NOT say that in real life. It's forced past the breaking point.

Then they sit there smoking weed in a convertible in a dark parking garage, for way too long. They are completely vulnerable and exposed. Not right for the character or the story.

All these missteps add up.

The club scene starts off pretty good ... until she leaves her drink watched over by strange bartender?
Is this a character who just huddled up in an apartment for a long time, or some carefree actress used to the LA club scene? These decisions seem off.

The switchblade guy was obviously a baddie and his acting could have used some work. That scene could have worked with more attention to building it up over a longer period, perhaps 2 or 3 scenes with him instead of: hi, can I have your number, stab stab stab.

"Oh yeah. One of you is coming home with me."

Really? Just... really? The friend character is ridiculous.

The cabbie scene -- perhaps a way of distinguishing fantasy from reality? When the fantasy and the reality look exactly the same, it could be a turn off when things are completely unrealistic. Not sure how to improve that scene at this point. And then what happens next -- it cuts away after she's left on the street by herself. With her condition this would be a real issue, not a place to cut away.

I think that some of the payoffs aren't set up adequately. Things happen without going through the gradations and steps to get the characters there.

The ending is a little ironic, but did anyone care that she got killed? I can't see any emotional investment with either of them. The blonde could have garnered some sympathy by showing her going through the mourning, and her psychological breakdown. And then coming out of her shell over time.

The brunette -- could have been a more well meaning human being and less of a plot device / slut.
Just watched your movie. It reminded me of Sigourney Weaver's COPYCAT, but I thought it was fairly well done and had some nice production value - lighting, shots, sound, etc.

you used a cheap voice over in order to carry a significant portion of the story. That should go, and be shot as a dramatic scene or two.

I agree with this. It would have been just as to easy to have Joanie picking up Kira and maybe talking to her cell phone - "This will be her first time out since her cousin was murdered. Wish me luck, bye."

Overall, it held my interest. I notice that this was made in 2004. Anything new in the works?
My initial thoughts are also that it has nice production value. I have pretty much the same issues as described by polfilmblog. I especially felt over manipulated and confused by the taxi sequence. The ending is strong...the strongest part of the film, but as polfilmblog explained, the payoff isn't quite what it could have been absent those preceeding issues. But very interesting short.
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I thought the story behind it was good; the scenes kept my attention. I felt a little suspense while watching which was good, and the twist towards the end was well done.

I didn't like the acting as much as I would of liked to. It was good, but could of been better when compared to the rest of it.

"Wait, you forgot your wallet" lol, that guy did a good job with that line.