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watch "Farewell" | a short film made for $1

Hey Indietalkers. It's always been my goal to shoot a short film for the lowest amount of money but get the highest production value.

My latest short film I think wins. Using a concept to re-use old stuff from previous productions so it doesn't cost you, I've managed to make a short film for $1.

"Farewell" is a exploitative film about a man who is agonized by the thought of his ex-girlfriend falling in love with someone else and makes a terrifying decision.

The main character is portrayed by local actor Mathew Bostrom who volunteered for the role.

It was shot on a hacked T2i (Magic Lantern) with a Pentax-M 1.7 lens.

I created the score using assets from Pro Scores and Smart Sounds. Edited with Premiere Pro with visualfx handled inside of After Effects.

The film has been reviewed by Hollywood actor, writer, and animator Ricky Grove (Army of Darkness, Babylon5). You can read it here: http://rgrove.posterous.com/farewell-short-film-by-dl-watson-featuring-ma

To watch, just click the header image or go here: http://leefilm.com/farewell/

I would love to hear your comments, thoughts, or criticisms. Thanks for your time!
i feel like the actor did not express the emotions one would feel in this situation. also, the camera was not stable.