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watch Faceless - A New Short

Hey guys, here is one of the three films i'm releasing this week. This one is titled faceless and has been a project iv'e been wanting to make for a while but never had time until now. I do hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.

viewer discretion is advised





Behind the scenes pics to come!

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Nice work. I really like the camera work, and the music is edited well. If I can offer some constructive criticism, I think it moves WAY too slowly. Lots of extraeneous stuff that doesn't need to be in there; same story could have been told, more effectively, in three minutes.

My opinion -- slow does not equal contemplative. Slow equals slow. Move it along. Give our brains some exercise.
Nice work. I really like the camera work, and the music is edited well. If I can offer some constructive criticism, I think it moves WAY too slowly. Lots of extraeneous stuff that doesn't need to be in there; same story could have been told, more effectively, in three minutes.

My opinion -- slow does not equal contemplative. Slow equals slow. Move it along. Give our brains some exercise.

The text [below] was just said on FB within the hour by a friend of mine:

"I think the Lord of the Rings is the biggest pieces of shit out there...they are slow and boring."

To each is own I think. I think the LotR was epic and badass (minus the seven endings). Nothing boring about it. And the slow moments are fantastic. My point? You can't please everyone.

As long as your slow moments are deliberate and work with the overall pacing of the story. I think this generation of filmmakers like the Snatch style of editing too much...it's cool for a few things...but it's taken over a little too much. The ADD generation.

I don't have sound at work, but I'll watch it when I get home. The photography looks nice. :)
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The text [below] was just said on FB within the hour by a friend of mine:

"I think the Lord of the Rings is the biggest pieces of shit out there...they are slow and boring."

To each is own I think. I think the LotR was epic and badass (minus the seven endings). Nothing boring about it. And the slow moments are fantastic. My point? You can't please everyone.

As long as your slow moments are deliberate and work with the overall pacing of the story. I think this generation of filmmakers like the Snatch style of editing too much...it's cool for a few things...but it's taken over a little too much. The ADD generation.

I don't have sound at work, but I'll watch it when I get home. The photography looks nice. :)

Let me know what you think!
I too also thought this film was not slow.

I enjoyed the concept of the piece, and the images were great. You seem able to knock out a lot of films quickly. Every time I log in there is a new video from you; how do you do it?

I only have one criticism. I thought the music was a little over emphasised, especially towards the end of the film. I thought the style of the music, and its constant presence didn't fit the film. I may be taking this too far now, but I thought the music sounded like something you might here in TV procedural drama, like a cop show etc

This is only a minor criticism of what I thought was a very well made short film. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to play around with my Sony A1E when these DSLRs create such beautiful shots

Well done. I look forward to your next piece
Damn you Rabbath. Why don't you fly my wife and I down for the next short--two for the price of one, and we'll sleep on your couch. Plane ticket, couch, and food and we're there. I love your work. Great photography as usual. Interesting concept. Another successful no-budget film.

Now...get 5-10K together, and shoot a feature. You could make it have huge production value for little money.
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haha glad you like it man. funding is nearly impossible as no one seems interested, however we are trying!

Well...with the quality you kick out, it shouldn't be too hard to procure 6K. And if no one seems interested, maybe you should look into something a little more marketable. Don't get me wrong, I think your ideas are unique and fun...I'm just shooting out ideas. And no, I don't mean shoot a zombie film. :)
Well...with the quality you kick out, it shouldn't be too hard to procure 6K. And if no one seems interested, maybe you should look into something a little more marketable. Don't get me wrong, I think your ideas are unique and fun...I'm just shooting out ideas. And no, I don't mean shoot a zombie film. :)

Well the problem isn't the ideas, they just don't want to fund anything right now. I'm looking tho! It might just be this town though..
Well the problem isn't the ideas, they just don't want to fund anything right now. I'm looking tho! It might just be this town though..

Maybe it is your town. But, perhaps you should look outside of your town for investors. You don't need an investor from your town.

It's not easy raising money...I know. Maybe a fundraiser or three...save for a year, hold a few separate events where you and some friends work sweat equity putting together some fun shit that people throw $8 to partake in...

I don't want to say loan...but maybe a $5k loan to get your first feature out there would be a good personal investment. If your film does well, you can make back the $5k pretty quickly.

Rich Uncle? :)
very well done, sir!

the only problem is i am now depressed. not bc of the mask metaphor and msg of ur movie but i have had something like this planned for a long time now. i did not plan on using masks, but the basic idea of wearing different masks with ur friends, ppl u love, co workers etc is the same. and worst of all, the ending is the same with him not knowing who he really is.
the more ur story progressed, the worse the feeling in my stomach got! lol!

but in any case, i do appreciate wat u have done! congrats!
As someone with a huge interest in masks and identity, I really will be following this with interest! I wish IH had the money to help fund, this is right up my alley! :D This is great stuff! :)