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watch Facebook For Drunks

This is a short comedy vid that needs your sweet, juicy feedback :)


The idea of a website that you must be drunk to post on is fantastic. Kudos for that, it's a really high quality idea and it had some great potential but the stuff following it didn't deliver.

One problem I see is that some of the text is funny, but I had to go back a second time while posting this, and pause it to read the text. Maybe it's 3am and I'm not totally focused, but if you had narrated the text update I wouldn't have missed it.

The drunk mother could have been interrupted by one of her babies and then yelled something horrible at it to get them to shut up. And then went and made a post about it afterwards.

There is also some comedic potential for not just text updates, but a phone app w/ photo updates. And location check-ins.
Juicy feedback:

Not quite SNL commercial quality, but more than halfway there.

A few technicals...
  • VO audio is great (or should I claim "youtube great!") ;)
  • Did you do those graphics? Very nice. :yes: AE?
  • Your camera makes pretty pictures.
  • Fair lighting, could've been a little more "cinematic", less functional.
  • Framing/blocking are meh. Just fer shitzengiggles stick to the thirds - unless you wanna pop on a wide angle lens for that Wes Anderson dork-O-vision thing, then straight on is good.
  • Background vertical lines are not level. Go Dutch or go home and level.
I just didn't get the humor - it seems a little backwards. We've already got facebook for drunks... it's called "facebook".

To me it would make more sense if you had something that prevented you from posting when you're drinking. Somebody posts something bad and Siri's voice comes out and is like "Are you sure you want to post that? Have you been drinking?" and then you're arguing drunk with the computer. Some people are just drunk all the time, so after too many violations it just deletes their account all together. Coming soon with version 2 it actively fixes your posts and photos to make them more appropriate. Etc.

The difference is that a lot of people can relate to that - they've posted drunk and regretted it the next day, and wish they had something that would prevent them from doing it. The only people who can really relate to your version are people who only want to post drunk... not sure that's a big audience.
I just didn't get the humor - it seems a little backwards. We've already got facebook for drunks... it's called "facebook".


Your stuff is getting better and you're now at the stage where your audience is expecting a more pro package. RayW's ideas are pretty good and we're now expecting a 'real world' package. That means stuff that makes us all laugh.

And incidentally, it made me smile. I kinda got it and liked the ending.
To me it would make more sense if you had something that prevented you from posting when you're drinking. Somebody posts something bad and Siri's voice comes out and is like "Are you sure you want to post that? Have you been drinking?"

There's actually an app for that from a few years back (forces a math-captcha), and in the god-awful film
The Internship that's the killer-app that saves the day.

This vid falls a bit flat for me, but more to do with execution that the idea. I think it's great, doubling-down on a stereotype/cliché instead of offering a parody solution. There's a few nice digs in there, regardless. :)

There's actually an app for that from a few years back (forces a math-captcha), and in the god-awful film

Somehow I missed that one, fortunately I accidentally rolled over the spoiler and I have absolutely no need to see it now!

But lets say we run with the 'facebook for drunks' idea - you're right, there's probably some potential there.

For instance, the problem with drunk posting on FB now is that you sober up the next day and see what you posted - and all your other friends, who have probably been sober this whole time, are seeing it too.

So if we're going to have a facebook that you have to be drunk to post on, the advantage of it is that everyone else who sees it is drunk too. So instead of your sober friends trying to make sense of your drunken gibberish, and shaking their heads in dismay at how far you've sunk - you've got a bunch of other drunks reading it and cheering you on. The more you drunk post, the better - you're trying to be the best drunk you can be for everyone to see.

And then your drunk friends are jealous at how much drunker you are than them, and how much more frequently you get drunk (just like people get jealous of the idealized lives some of their friends post on FB). On the rare occasion when you post something lucid and coherent, because you haven't really had enough to drink yet, there's a bunch of your drunk friends all laughing at your stupid boring post. And then once you're drunk enough you realize how sober that post was and get so embarrassed that you have to delete it.
Damn, I actually wasn't thinking in terms of academy award nominations. If that's the case there definitely needs to be a scene where someone's got the DTs and posts a cry for help, and their drunken friends rally together via drunken fb chat to get a rescue 40 to them just in time to save them in a dramatic montage.
I love how people are taking your sketch seriously as you're running for academy award nominations

I laughed , was pretty cool .

It's been great watching the OP develop from his very first sketch attempts, to the weekly channel content submissions he's now into producing. I'm happy to spend a bit more time & thought on material from a regular IT'er. :)

There's actually an app for that from a few years back (forces a math-captcha), and in the god-awful film
The Internship that's the killer-app that saves the day.

Actually, it's the big sale to the pizza place that saves the day not that app. The drunken night out leads to their developing said app though. God-awful is subjective too.. :P
It's been great watching the OP develop from his very first sketch attempts, to the weekly channel content submissions he's now into producing. I'm happy to spend a bit more time & thought on material from a regular IT'er. :)

I have difficulty justifying the givadamn towards drive-by posters requesting meaningful quantitative feedback.