cinematography face zoom-in / close-up during interview

Would I need to just stop the talent from talking, zoom in and let him continue ?
That's one way.

sfoster who shoots in 4k has another. If you aren't shooting in 4k or you want the
look you see in your example you need two cameras. That example is clearly from
a slightly different angle. But if you only have one camera that isn't 4k you can
stop the interview, move the camera and then continue. Then stop again, move the
camera and start again.
The 3 options are mentioned already:
- crop
- 2 cameras
- cut and reframe

The last option might seem strange but isn't that uncommon: just like narrative films, interbviews are edited and they are rarely shot in 1 take.
Revisiting questions with or without a different frame can yield beautiful new answers as the interviewee had some time to think about the previous answer.
beautiful. Thanks for the input guys :)

Just a side node to 4k video... how many of you shoot 4k ?

Since I've got also another problem when shooting - my full HD footage just seems blurry to me. Like it was shot with a phone (might be due to the fact that I am working with Retina display).

But anyway, I think exporting to 4k or even better, down scaling 4k footage to FHD would look way better and professional.
And then working with proxies in FCPX for better speed (not sure if Premiere's got something similar - I am sure it does though).
Just a side node to 4k video... how many of you shoot 4k ?
Not me. So far I don't need to. I, personally, do not think 4k looks more
professional. Especially for documentaries and interviews. Very, very
few people will see the finished product on a 4k screen.
Blurry images have absolutely nothing to do with 4k or not.
Films have been made for many many years without 4k and they're always in focus when I watch them!! Except for primer. That one had a couple of blurry shots :lol:
In the small handful of interviews I have done, I have always regretted interrupting the talent. Interrupted thought process can be difficult, for some people, to restart where they left off.

I interrupt only when absolutely necessary.

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