EXT hard drive question

Hey guys. Quick hard rive question. I was smoking some pot in my room last night and forgot that my External hard drive was in the room. There was pretty much no ventilation in the room. My room wasn't too smokey But i am worried about the smoke damaging my hard drive. Is this possible? I have all my film data on it. This was the only time ever it was exposed to smoke. When i realized I put my hard drive in a bag and set in on the ground.But this was after thirty min of already getting high.

Can this type of smoke destroy a hard
Just an observation, but it might be a good idea to put all your film data in more than one place. I back mine up to four locations on four separate drives. Which might be overkill, but I have the space.
The footage might playback in slow motion for a while soon after exposure, but it will recover fine after a short while... =)

Inside the case, the hard drive platters and heads themselves are very well filtered. Smoke particles are perhaps as small as 10nm, and as big as 4000nm; modern HDD heads fly as close as 3nm, so I'd imagine the filters are adequate for filtering out smoke, as they should be able to filter out anything large enough to cause problems.
