archived-videos Experimental animation

While I don't quite "get it", you've pretty much nailed the weird stylistic tone you seem to have been going for. It's not something I want to see more of, but I like it. Some really nice imigary in there. Interesting stuff, at the very least.
I. too, don't "get" your style. But I really appreciate it. Can't offer any feedback
because I have no foundation to critique this type of project. I did watch the entire
thing which I usually don't do. You managed to keep my interest.
Then it was most successful. And do not worry, I won't be returning to animation any time soon. After all I have the challenging task of editing and composing soundtrack for The Flesh Eating Horrors to do.
I like the style.

I didn't see a rose (I know, too literal but that flower was not a rose).

So maybe the girl was Rose. Ahhh gotta love experimental film.

Beautiful, as it is so strong and hopeful. Analyzing what I think the film maker is saying from the subconscious level.

The vulnerable main character is careful and humble, hopes he or she will do well. Has a person, or a hope in form of someone more mature that means well. - with an angel wing. Also red. The maker is truly bleeding. The eye might be the hard facts of a tough reality. But it's black and white so it's weak. Though, not drawn, so it's out of reach at the moment. There are tough struggles, a tombstone and stuff, but these problems will be overcome, thanks to the well meaning role model who reappears. This leaves the main character hanging. So obviously success will come but the hard resistance has its prize. The broken heart is completely healed at the end, so life will be good, once this problem is solved.

The artist places the problem a lot to the left. A hint that the rest of the space to the right is the rest of the life.
Nice work. Are you working in Photoshop, Toonboom, or TVPaint? It doesn't look like Flash (or Animate now) as the line work is too Bitmap vs. Vector based.

As an animator I only have a few composition and design suggestions. Avoid placing most of your action in the center of the frame, and don't be afraid to have your images larger to create a stronger visual impact. A drawing will feel small when surrounded by lots of negative space.

I would apply this to your eye image to give it more dramatic impact and meaning in contrast to your main character. I like your free form subconscious stream of though style. Don't give up what you're doing.

- Wolf