Eureka is Cancelled No!!!

SYFY did it again. They cancelled another of my favorite shows. Dang them.

I guess this time SYFY wanted to keep the show but the higher up Parent company Universal / Comcast did not want to. The show could not meet the new budget that the Parent company wanted it to meet.

here are the Tweets from Eureka writer/producer Amy Berg

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I got halfway through the pilot a few nights ago. I keep meaning to finish it. It hadn't completely hooked me yet, but it was alright enough to give it some more time to see if I like it.
I got halfway through the pilot a few nights ago. I keep meaning to finish it. It hadn't completely hooked me yet, but it was alright enough to give it some more time to see if I like it.

Really wow Eureka has been on SyFy for 4 seasons now. The final season 5 is on in 2012.

I am surprise they ended the show because SyFy really does not have many good shows left.
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They burnt me twice - first Farscape then SG Universe and that was that. I'm done with them.

I was with them all the way back in the day when they were Sci Fi and played "War of the Worlds" and Mystery Science Theater reruns. Now they have strange reality TV shows and other crap.

They target a whole new kind of audience, and kudos to them for that. I wish them well but I'll find my quality science fiction elsewhere.
They announced this weeks ago, didn't they? Originally they were going to do a short season 6 to finish up the storylines, but then they cut that and they only had one episode left to film to try to wrap everything up. It was a big thing, because if I remember right, the cast found out via the news media, rather than from SyFy directly. Wil Wheaton was talking about it on Twitter and Google+.

I only just watched the show this year. I had caught a few episodes here and there, but never really got into it. I'm waiting for season 4 to be available on Netflix to finish watching it.
Yeah it's a good one, it's probably time for it to come to an end though.

There's only so many things you can do with a setting/group of characters and then it's monotonous. Better to go off before you get boring.

Season 4 is fun, I've been buying them on iTunes. So I guess there's an entire season 5 still to come?

SyFy still has Warehouse 13. A rough first season but it picked up and Seasons 2 and 3 have been great.
I loved Eureka, but I agree it was probably time for it to go. They've got Warehouse 13 doing the same thing with steampunk paint instead of science, and Haven doing it with horror paint (the first season was rough, but it had a lot of potential). I will miss it though, as I miss Farscape (though scifi did pretty okay by that show; it was weird and wasn't cheap, and they let them wrap up with a really good miniseries).

The REAL sci-fi channel crime (other than not buying Firefly, of course) is letting the Dresden Files go after a single season. That could have really been great. Unless, of course, they adopt Charles de Lint's Newford as a series!
Well there goes half of the reason that I watch SyFy. If they cancel Warehouse 13, that'll be the other half.:no:

Yeah there is less and less reasons to watch it. I used to watch SG1 and Atlantis on there too. They used to have Highlander, invisible man, Firefly, Farscape, Sliders, BSG, and Caprica.

They always cancel my shows. Hope they can find new shows worth watching to replace Eureka and Stargate and BSG.
It really is a fun show. Pretty formulaic but fun characters and situations.

Like the other SyFy shows, first season is a little more rough than the rest.

That's true of most shows I guess.
I'm watching the pilot right now... so far I'm liking it. It's no Breaking Bad, obviously, but it seems like a nice light-hearted sci-fi show.
Season 1 and 2 were very good. After that though it goes steadily downhill. Once they lost Carter's foil (Nathan), there was no salvaging it I'm afraid. :(