End of the line.

Ii've been down this road before with shattering and heartbreaking results where I almost had movie deals only to see lawyers shatter them by asking the other party for too much.

Also, I am under extreme .pressure to find a second job to pay my monthly bills that I can no longer afford.

My dieting is bad because I cannot afford good food and I have been nursing an ulser because I cannot afford to go to a hospital.

I do my best. But, it gets me nowhere.
Step one: breath in.
Step two :breath out.
go to Step One

Free clinics abound in NY. Ulcers are bacterial and are curable these days.

Eating well, and cheap is hard, you'll have to cook.

Top Ramen with a few ounces of shaved beef is better for you then a McDonald's Double cheese, and about half the cost.

My Recipe for chep-pho
Freeze a cheap steak
Without thawing it, slice of paper thin slices of raw meat (against the grain for tenderness), slice off just a few ounces, but keep the slices supper thin..
Wrap the unsliced steak back up and put in the freezer.. let the paper thin slices thaw, about 5 mins at most..
chop some green onions
Boil water
open ramen and put in bowl, with flavor packet
pour in boiling water
Add the raw meat and cook it in the recently boiling water
wait the allotted 1 min, add the green onions add jalapenos if you like, a little lime is nice too.. enjoy.

I was taking probiotics for it, which replaces the bacteria that is lost and it took 3 weeks, but it cleared up the blood gushing out. But now that money is much tighter than before, it is hard to afford and the problem is returning.

I am hoping to find a second job to make up for lost income.

I know a lot of people looking for work. Jobs are not available.

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

Dorothy Parker