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Editor problems....

I have an editor I really like using but he seems to be dragging his feet a lot lately. I can understand being busy but he seems to be playing more video games lately then wanting to get together and editing. It is starting to be a problem. Does anyone have any ideas for incentives for editors? Maybe I should just replace him, but I enjoy his style and insight. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Maybe I should just replace him

At face value... do this.

You can enjoy his style and insight all you like, but that's no satisfaction if the job ain't being done.

However, there's probably a lot more going on that complicates the easy decision. What exactly is your relationship with your editor? Is he being paid? Is he a friend that happens to be an editor that you keep lumping unpaid gigs on? Does he actually enjoy editing? Does his wife/gf/bf have cancer, making him depressed? Did he read that George Lucas is planning another set of Star Wars films... also making him depressed?

Honestly - if he's draggin' his feet to keep involved with your projects, he doesn't want to be involved. And that's fine. We all have to move on at some point.

It's good to know why, though. :)
Ah Zensteve is wise. Yeah he is a friend and we grew up telling each other that we were going to make films together. The problem is he really loves working with me, when we actually get to work. I have the lighting and camera and he has the editing equipment. I do actually know several editors who all have asked to work with me, so replacing him isn't really a problem. He just keeps saying to me how much he was looking forward to the project we are currently on. None of the stuff is for any pay right now, it is mostly just short films for fun. I think I really just need to either get him to edit or move to another person. I am probably making this harder then it needs to be.
Sounds like your buddy has lost interest; or possibly he's lacking direction. Maybe you should be more pro-active with him, some folks just need someone with whom to be creative and to bounce around ideas.

When something is your passion in life it is all you want to do. Yeah, you have to make a living, but all the rest of your time is spent on your passion. The only times I'm depressed - aside from real tragedy - is when I'm not doing what I love to do. To avoid becoming depressed when I'm not working for clients (and after I have finished the business end of my business which I hate but is a necessary evil) I'm adding to my sound library, experimenting with audio plug-ins, creating music (which is what I did for many tears before I got into audio post), watching/listening to films & analyzing the audio, participating in forums, mentoring, reading tech & "creativity" articles and books and visiting with my peers.
Give him some deadlines, if he doesn't come through (diplomatically) replace him... if he sees that you are serious in terms of getting things done he'll be more likely to not drag his feet if he wants to do future projects with you. I had a similar dilemma with a friend who does my cinematography, It hurt to replace him but my latest project absolutely would not have gotten done with the extent to which he was having trouble "feeling it."

Also, pleeeeeease tell me the Lucas thing was hypothetical?
talk to him about it

if it is hindering your progress, tell him how important it is, ask him whether he is still dedicated to your projects and if not just say you need to use someone else, but throw in the part where you compliment his style, that will leave the door ope if you ever want to regain him as an editor
All good suggestions. I am going to need to think about this. Big decision. Any other tips on how I can replace him and not lose my friend? Thanks everyone for helping out.
I think if you've given him enough opportunities to work on stuff and he's not coming through, it's time to replace him. Giving him that chance should be enough to not lose him as a friend, and if he overreacts that's his problem and maybe would indicate there is less of a reason for being friends with him than there used to be.