editing the project of a lifetime

Man am I blessed. My Dad purcahsed a Quazar VHS camcorder in '84 and I totally bogarted it. I still have it. Since that day, I have rolled more video than anyone I know and today I find myself sifting through hundreds of hours of golden memories.
I always wanted to make a movie of the story of my life. I think in my mind I saw actors and a production at some point... I just wanted to grow up to a point first. Today, in looking at these moments captured in first person, I see that the content of that movie has been shot.
It's my belief that the greatest invention of man is the camera. Every day is the greatest day of our lives but few of us know it... until looking at a picture of that day years later. I have the priceless treasure of my Mom and Dad on tape before moving on to the next life, shenanigans in my teen years, the meeting of my bride, and the birth of every one of my children. Every house. Every party. Every event. Dang near every short animated film I made in the 80s. All ready for a chrinilogical composition.
It can be overwhelming to begin the sifting process on such a pile of footage. I can't double time any viewing because I will miss something said that means something big later. I have to sit and go through every frame in real time... or I get to, I should say.
25 years of raw footage. 4 different cameras. A life's work.
awesome. I am the richest man I know today.
Happy New Year, indietalkers. Drink deep from the cup of life. Belch and chug some more.
Happy New Year, folks. :cheers:

Soooooo.... 25 years of raw footage? That's one hell of a shooting ratio!

Trying to get it all show-horned into 2 hours. My old college instructor would have yelled at me for shooting at a 50:1 ratio. lol
Over the years I've had many yell at me for rollin' all the time. Tonight I'm very thankful for doing it so much so long. I'm gonna make two end products from this. One will be the best dang compilation of home movies ever. The other... an actual movie that everyone can relate to. This thing is gonna stitch together pretty grand. Conversations from one year seemlessly bouncing to dialog to the next... and so on. Things that were said or predicted one year with cutaways of the present.
I even finger painted our kids on my wife's belly on our wedding day. I drew two boys and a girl. Today, 15 yeras later, we have two boys and a girl.
I'm stoked. If ya don't see much of me online int he next few weeks, I've stowed myself away in the edit suite.