Editing HD Clips(.m2ts files)

Hi guys, I'm a newb film maker and I've been wanting to make movies for a long time. I have bought the Sony HDR Cx 550ve, which only records videos in HD format. Can you suggest me on which editing software would be best for me to edit the AVCHD files?
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Meh, you removed half the details from your post.

Your Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 has all the settings you need to edit AVCHD. Same as your After Effects, though that's not really the best choice for plain editing.

Your friend (with the AEFX & poor-looking renders) is probably not matching the project settings to the actual video clips' properties.
Meh, you removed half the details from your post.

Your Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 has all the settings you need to edit AVCHD. Same as your After Effects, though that's not really the best choice for plain editing.

Your friend (with the AEFX & poor-looking renders) is probably not matching the project settings to the actual video clips' properties.

Well, actually I didn't start reading the HD section, and after posting this, I found the section and while reading a thread I suddenly found the answers I was looking for. Now I'm just looking for a suggestion on which software should I get for editing the AVCHD. So I kinda edited the previous post.

Any recommendations?
In the 48 hour film thingy I produced nobody had heard of it.. they all just edit jerky AVHCD files on there 8 core cpus's.. I was doing faster editing on my quad core using neoscene.. but the render time on those 8 cores SMOKED! so it was a wash..
If you dont mind, Im still struggling with work flow..
once Im AE with all my clips I want to output the best quality I can.. and my gut and the blogs say that is uncompressed AVI or Animation Quick Time.. but when I export AVI (cineform) It looks great. However, as a distribution codex its not so great. Cant upload cinform encoded video to you tube for example.. and my x264 encoding tool (handbrake) doesn't recognize the cineform avi files..

any tips?