DVD freeware needed

I've a friend who has been provided with some footage on DVD and needs to pull it from the DVD and convert it to something he can put on the web.

Is there any freeware anyone could suggest that he could use for this? He's PC based.
Checkout DVDcloner 2 they have a trial period something like 30 uses . They also have app that converts dvd to AVI, MP3, Etc. I bought dvd cloner thinking I could use it for duplicating dvds made on my Philips DVDR 615 HAAA! didn't work. I had to use their game cloner to do that. It worked pretty good. And there are several more uses left on the trial period.

Mike :)


I wasn't boot legging DVDs I had coppied some home movies to DVD and wanted to distribute them to family.
Another vote for DVD Shrink. Decrypter is good, but I like shrink's UI and language stripping features - last time I used D it lacked those functions. Shrink also uses a nice re-encoding compression which I believe uses the main concept encoder (a good one), so you can cram a big film onto a single layer dvd and it won't get ugly on you.