There won't be any movies if people keep downloading them without SOMEONE paying for them. You seem to be mistaking "free" as simply you not paying for it, but the legitimate ways to see a movie mean someone other than you is paying the filmmakers. Bootlegging means NO ONE pays, unless they like it and decide to purchase.
That’s the point, I believe people do, and in my own experience, I’ve made money from that opinion. That’s the point I’m expressing.
Do you honestly think that everyone, everywhere - especially in every 3rd world country that is NOT the United States (think globally and outside of your own experience) actually buys the DVD or Blu Ray once they download it online from a torrent site even when they completely love the movie?
No. But here’s the flaw in your logic, in my opinion. I’m GLAD people in Japan and Russia and Serbia, and everywhere that is a torrenting hotspot is seeing my film. Because if I only released it “legally” it would only get US, maybe Canada, and maybe, by a long shot, UK distribution.
Now, I have millions of potential customers (who use Paypal, just like us) in every country I previously had 0% visibility in. Our films are horror, Norway, Sweden, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovia, Ireland, and England have been where most of our DVD orders came from. Less than 20% were American.
To me, the 2,000 people that will watch my film and not buy it is worth the 20 people that will watch the film and buy it, rather than 0 people watch my film, and 0 people buy it.
Your use of “theft” is what I find hilarious. Yes, under the letter of the law, it’s theft. Under the letter of the law, marijuana is illegal. Does that mean they’re automatically morally wrong? I don’t think so, of course I know many do….
See the decline of profit versus the increase in bandwidth and bootlegging? That's not a hard one to see.
Also compare it to every other avenue of the entertainment business (broadway, for example) and you’ll see it’s part of a general decline in entertainment spending. It’s just a clever business tactic by big studios to say “Hey, our films are fine, it’s the people stealing them that’s killing us!” No, inferior product leads to piracy. Because in the end, any pirate is one thing always: A die hard fan. If they weren’t, why would they waste the time, money, and possibility of loss of freedom for a stupid movie? Because they give a shit. Oh, I’m sorry, that makes them criminals. I forgot.
That's a strawman argument. The mathematical plausibility is that they do not want people to have access to a perfect digital copy of their film without being compensated for it, especially when it is being made available for free to millions of people for free. That's not the same as giving out screeners to reviewers. That's like mailing out 100,000,000 free movie tickets and hoping that the people who like it will pay something at the box office after they see it.
Which, based on recent album sales by Radiohead, leads me to believe you may have stumbled onto the greatest marketing scheme this side of Napster. I truly thank you. If it pans out, I’ll send you a percentage.
It is NOT your right to violate the filmmakers rights as copyright holders to be compensated (by someone) to let you see it.
And that’s the fundamental difference between you and I. That’s you’re belief. You might believe caffeine is morally wrong, but I feel the opposite way when it comes to both matters. The fact that you don’t recognize this as a moral function, rather than a legal function, is hilarious. Have you gone exactly the speed limit every second of your life? Gotten a parking ticket? If so, based on your argument, you are a bad person for failing to heed the laws of your local jurisdiction, no matter how morally unjust or repugnant you may find them. If that’s the case, well, I thought you were a more interesting person than that.
I can make a significant profit on a feature film using traditional distribution - but not as much as I used to even 3 years ago - because of bootlegging.
So the difference, the people that don’t like your films enough to pay for them now, is not what you screwed out of people for a movie they probably hadn’t seen, but rather a difference that should have been paid to you on the sole basis that you made the film? I understand many people are like this, I just don’t share the same moral stance, sorry. If someone walked out of my movie in the first 30 minutes, I’m the type that would refund their money. This business isn’t supposed to be a con job. It’s supposed to be real entertainment, things people will like and remember.