If you haven't seen it. GO!

I love this movie. One of the best i've seen in recent years.

Beautifully shot, brutally executed and just an impressive and UNEXPECTED movie.

If you can, go in with a fresh mind. One of the trailers gives away pretty much the whole story, and avoid reviews, cause they'll spoil all that is surprising and awesome.

Watch this trailer, it gives nothing away, and leaves so many unanswered questions. This trailer made me want to see the movie, and now having seen the movies, this trailer is so small.
I had planned on seeing something else instead of "Drive", but it didn't work out and I was happy it didn't. It's like a 1980s movie with a lean 1970s script. What I liked is if you cut all of Gosling's dialogue into one scene it would have run around six minutes. I like scripts that aren't always dialogue driven.
