archived-videos Dreamer - A Short Film

Good Shots are one thing.
This is another. Great Shots. Music that works with the story to evoke emotion.
I am truly impressed, something to be very proud of gentelman.
Keep up the good work, I look foward to seeing something on the big screen.

Sean A. Reid
I'd really like to watch this but I don't believe in Real player. Do you have another format availble by chance?
Hey wide. Sorry it's only in real player :( which sucks! You would think the BBC would beleive in Quicktime - which is in my opinion the most undisputed format and should take over the world!!! ;) You could always download realplayer and then uninstall it afterwards - but that's a bit of a pain in the ass!!
I may just do that after reading what Redemption had to say. Its not that I don't like the codec (I actually don't really prefer it though), its that the program really takes over your system, and I've had major crashes as a result. But I'm a glutton for punishment so I think I'll try it again.
I am in the process of killing Real player right now. When my girlfriend saw I was downloading it she left to get a priest to preform an exorcism. But I wanted to see it and it was worth it.

Dam Shark!



This film is top... obviously you know I think that already, but definatly gets a top vote from me. Looking forward to the next one....
Split Prism's second short film will be hitting the screens very soon. Myself and Delta 1010 are busy in the cutting room, wallowing on the floor trying to find that money shot we dropped... now where is it... er... ah... nope...
Realplayer saved this 56k'er! I actually got to watch it! The sound does roll off into a distorted mess at the end and that's a 'real' shame (see what I did there? ;) ).

Anyway, for a 17 year-old that was amazing! Brilliantly shot and lit. I wasn't able to read the closing credits, as the stream was tiny, so I couldn't get a look at who the cinematographer was but the visuals were well executed.

The only part I didn't quite like was the in-car scene. Weak sound, poor lighting and a lingering, uninteresting shot. It's understandable why this is as it was undoubtedly made on a low budget and we all know how difficult and expensive it can be to film in and around a car.

Overall it's not one of my favourites but it is the most impressive example of young filmmaking (18 and below) I have ever seen. Well done! It’s something to really be proud of.
Hi ross, I was director / d.o.p for that short. Jenny Williams and Ollie Hall were the Gaffers and James Kennard was Camera Op. I'm dissapointed with the car shot as well. The only reason it was that long was because I had tried shooting day for night and used the wrong filtration on the Eclair so it came out under exposed. We had to do the car scene in a rush and didn't have any trays or rigs :( was a bit rubbish. The sound was also poor. Shooting on a shoestring is half the fun of this though!
If I was shooting DV I would have had a lot more flexibility to do more shots, and lighting internally wouldn't have been a problem. But film is a whole different ball game.
I'm wanting to see this, but I see only a black screen embedded in the page with audio playing.

I tried switching to the broadband version with the link on the page, but just get a Real Player error when I do that.
