double layering footage?

I dont have a clue what this effect is actually called, but basically im wanting to have one clip playing, then have another playing over the top of it, but make it slightly transparent so you can see both simultaneously?

Im wanting to use it to try and create a ghost effect like this ....

Ill be using final cut pro, if anyone can guide me towards a tutorial anywhere it would be appreciated?

This might be a little bit too advance, but do you know if its possible to select an area of the clip to apply the affect to?

For example if there's a person in shot and I only want the ghost effect on the person, and not the background or surroundings?

This might be a little bit too advance, but do you know if its possible to select an area of the clip to apply the affect to?

For example if there's a person in shot and I only want the ghost effect on the person, and not the background or surroundings?

you are looking for rotoscoping :)
what program are you using to edit?

It isn't that advanced.. its actually easy, but can be time consuming and tedious.. as i have learned recently!
I was going to post my answer, but the links/answers posted, far beat mine! lol.

I've done it with limited success on my projects, you really need to have an attention to detail to really get the full effect done-good luck with it!