archived-videos DOORS TO LIFE- TRAILER #1 <feature film

Hey guys
iam not sure if this is right place to post it.
But i know some of the people here who been waiting for this.
Basicly this whole summer i was in Russia, me and my friends their decided to make a feature film about friendship/brotherhood and all that
combine drama/comedy and just great story.
and So here is the First Trailer which i just made it ( i still haven't finished editing the film) the trailer is about 2:30min but their are few mistakes that my editing program made first is Subtitle at (1:00min) their will be subtitle and Quiestion mark<<<which doesn't belong their

any ways the movie is an 1hour long
and it has all the great things that i couldn't shoot back here in U.S.

So please watch it and enjoy

(sorry for my spelling errors)
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Downloaded the .zip file, decompressed and uploaded to a temp server.

Doors To Life - 20mb, mpg

Not many people are going to download a .zip, Timur... never know what lurks within. That's why direct links to a/v material are needed. I'll leave it there for a week max, 'til you can fix links. (Btw, the "Trailer #1" link on the page you listed above is broken, too. It has an extra ".com" appendage on the .zip url)

Been a while since you've been on the boards, btw, Timur. How's life? :D

Edit: Been a week and had to remove it, Timur. Hope you have it set up on your site now :cool:
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Yup, watched it. :)

For a trailer, it needs a bit more work I think.

It could be shorter. 90 seconds is plenty for a trailer. If there's more that you need/want to show, consider making a second, slightly different, trailer.

It wasn't all that clear what was happening, after the part with the doctor. "Kid has sick mother, needs money for medical treatment, his friends are all going to help raise it". I got that part fine. Then it dissolves into many different fight scenes and someone waving a gun about. That's a most unusual method of money-raising. Are they robbing banks? Mugging tourists? Fighting each other? There is a need to know.


Most of the subtitles look fine, btw... although I did get a chuckle out of "They will define words.". I was imagining the group of friends all getting jobs at Meriam-Webster. :lol: (Well, I shouldn't laugh I guess. Your English is better than my Russian :yes: )


How are you going to be showing the finished flick, Mr Timur?
I liked's very non-hollywood in the best way. Editing needs to be worked on a little bit, but I'm sure you know that. I like what I see...I like the realism from the trailer. I hope the film carries that same realism.

Work on audio and try to get it as clear as possible. This is probably the most common problem with indie flicks...sound is 50% of your movie...don't let the dialogue slip into telephone quality!

Was that shot in the projects? I think it was...we (I) don't see that stuff very's important to keep that stuff in the public eye...remind us that the world isn't as good as we have it in suburban America...Hollywood does not put out many movies about the projects, ghettos, or anything like that's dissapointing because I grew up around some of that stuff and it's very relevant in America and even moreso in some other places.
I really like the look and feel. Is it me, or do films shot in foreign countries look cooler because the sets are sets I haven't seen as much. I guess what I'm wondering is if I show someone a short shot in Amercia and the viewer lived somewere else in the world, would they think it looks cool just from the sets?

Toxzy :huh:
Thanks for comments
The reason the editing is so F**
because of premier i have
anyways when i went back home i told my friends i make movies and all that and they laughed and after they saw my films they believed me and then we decided to do something Realistic (so we all of us gave ideas of our life events and just made this big film about friendship and all that)
Yes I love to film in foreign country's not only the places are beatifull but you can film almost anywhere or anyone
Like you seen the soldiers they are real soldiers its just my friends brother have connection and got them to be in our film

movie is about 1hour long
took us 3-4weeks film
this winter iam going back to bring the whole movie and we are going to have premier in couple of movie theaters their.

Yes i know audio suxs in trailer Thats one of the reasons i don't like this trailer
i just didn't fade out sounds
anyways new trailer coming soon
The story looks very interesting, and some of the camera work calls to mind great social dramas by Ken Loach. I think the fact that you really don't go into what the guys are doing with the guns and the fistfights adds to the tease of it, and a good trailer teases a viewer just enough to get them to want to see it.

Timur said:
Yes i know audio suxs in trailer Thats one of the reasons i don't like this trailer
i just didn't fade out sounds ]

I don't think fading the sound in and out is the only problem, although it is a big one. To me the levels of dialogue varied from scene to scene, shot to shot. The shot where they are all in a kitchen eating dinner, there was a loud Hum coming from the air conditioner.

Your locations looked good, they fit the story well.
