Donnie Darko?

I just saw the new release of the directors cut at hollywood videos.

All were rented out (Hollywood sucks at ordering the right amound of films.. they only had 4)

anyways I ended up renting the orriginal that came out several years ago and I really loved it. Just curious if it was an Indie film with an extended shots to make it a full length film for theatrical release or was it greenlit on a serious budget (On the lower end).

Im not shooting it down but the special effects were very low end. Im wondering if it was done that way on purpose because it took place in the 1980s and the director wanted to reflect the special effects quality of that time as to capture the 1980s feel or if there was someother reason.

It seem to parody some other films. Like the black hole portals opening up from his families stomachs that looked like the Abyss monster and the giant twister headed for his house like something out of Wizard of Oz.

Just curious if it was a sundance film or if it was set for a major release in the first place or if it was made for cable.

I just heard about this movie 4 months ago and forgot about it but wanted to rent it back then. then I saw it on the new release wall. But the movie I guess came out in 2000.
If I remember Donnie Darko was made for about four million. It was shown at sundance before it had a theatrical release in 2001. Where it promptly bombed.

It has since grown a major cult following so I am suprised that you have just now heard of it. The brits are apparently nuts over this film but there is still a big fan base in the US.

As far as its parady status.... there are several homages to other films so it doesn't seem impossible that those images were intentional references. I don't think that the special effects were intended to be *bad* and you are the first person that I have heard of that had a problem. I didn't think they were anything special but I also didn't feel that they were a detraction. Drew Barrymore's preformance on the other hand.... ugh.

The directors cut is OK. Part of the fun for me was trying to figure out what was really going on and the directors cut reveals far too much info. As an aside I still disagree with Richard Kelly and I don't care if he did write the piece. However there is a great commentary with both writer/director Richard Kelly and Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith had absolutley nothing to do with donnie darko and is a riot in the commentary. Otherwise I thought that the bonus material on the theaterical release was better.
This is a film I have heard so many people mention, but have not yet seen.

It's right up there with "The Blair Witch Project" for buzz & chatter in the indie community.

When I get around to seeing it, it had better live up to the hype. :cool:

(I have no idea what it is about, either)
It was OK. I like the music in it. It was predictable. I knew how the ending would be almost halfway into it.

I may have seen the trailer for the film and just forgot about it but somehow its one of those movies I never got to see until 4 months ago when I had downloaded a song and it said "Donnie Darko" on the lable (I own echo and the bunnymen but misplaced it and saw it on some site and wanted to hear a song (Killing Moon) That is when the film was reintroduced to me and I felt i needed to see it.

great music. The film wasnt bad and was entertaining but it has a *made for cable tv* feel to it.

almost like an MTV variety show.
I know what you're talking about King. When I first saw it with a group of friends, we were making fun of it, but by the end, we were kinda hypnotized by it. It had very odd mood swings, bouncing back and forth from serious to kinda this unintential corniness. I enjoyed it a lot though.
King Goldfish said:
Sorry.. didnt experience the same from it.

I always figured Donnie Darko was one of those films you either loved or hated. Although after at least ten viewings(I lost count after five), all of the films hairy worts really start to show so I can kinda get what your saying. Still think its pretty cool though. Can't wait to see what Kelly comes up with next. I just hope the cult status hasn't gone to his head.
listening to the different interpretations the hardcore fans have about this movie was more enjoyable for me then when i watched it the first time. Watching a second time brought out deeper thoughts and meaning, completely changing my thoughts about the movie before i saw it.
also i dont know if it was just Jake Gyllenhaal's bad acting or Jake Gyllenhaal himself that i hated, but for some reason i managed to relate to him
lux said:
also i dont know if it was just Jake Gyllenhaal's bad acting or Jake Gyllenhaal himself that i hated, but for some reason i managed to relate to him


You hated him, yet related to him... does this mean you hate yourself??

I hope not 'cause any fan of donnie darko can't be all bad.
I saw the director's cut (as my first time ever seeing this) last night. Great movie. Very wierd, very cool, and the 1980's factor ruled. The Kevin Smith commentary is pretty good too.
Mikey D said:

You hated him, yet related to him... does this mean you hate yourself??

I hope not 'cause any fan of donnie darko can't be all bad.

:no: i think what i meant to say was i didnt like his acting or him as an actor, but i liked the character he played. i think that makes sense...
I thought Patrick Swayze was good in it and I enjoyed the hits of the 80's soundtrack, juxtaposed against the story.

I liked it, but I know plenty of people who just went "Eh?"
I broke down and bought it. Tried to get the original cut, but only the Director's cut was available.

I'm reading the back of the case right now...

"...bring him face to face with a demonic rabbit..." :huh:

Clearly I still have yet to pop it into the player, but I'm having visions of the "Holy Grail" right now. :lol: