Donnie Darko?

I finally saw this. I loved it. It's not a perfect, but what film is? It definitle seems to be a film for which repeated viewings will reveal more of its meaning. Personally, I thought Jake G (not gonna try and spell it) was great. The one thing i really liked about his performace is that, though he was going through his whole "psychosis" thing, he was still a regular kid -- i'm sure it was written like that, but he really nailed it.

The film references I caught were Back to the Future, ET, Superman (maybe) and the Abyss... oh, and the Jimmy Stewart film where he has an imaginary rabbitt friend.

Anyone catch any others?

Also, I recall him mentioning something about the neighbor kid who appears at the end of the film... does that kid have any signifigance?
Zensteve said:
I broke down and bought it. Tried to get the original cut, but only the Director's cut was available.

I'm reading the back of the case right now...

"...bring him face to face with a demonic rabbit..." :huh:

Clearly I still have yet to pop it into the player, but I'm having visions of the "Holy Grail" right now. :lol:

I dont want to ruin it but it all makes sense in the end. Actually it becomes very predictable 5 or 10 minutes before the end. you'll know what I mean.. but the rabbit part comes together very nicely near the end.
King Goldfish said:
I dont want to ruin it but it all makes sense in the end. Actually it becomes very predictable 5 or 10 minutes before the end. you'll know what I mean.. but the rabbit part comes together very nicely near the end.

I don't think it comes close to all making sense at the end. The love story is the closet thing that comes full circle, but I'm not even sure the logic behind that holds up. As far as the meaning behind the time travel/parrallel universe thing -- i think that's all left open to interpretation -- and if you don't think too hard about it, it kind of makes sense.

I think Eberts review of the director's cut nailed. You're not really sure what exactly went on, but it doesn't really matter -- and it's almost better that everything is not explained. It comes to an emotional resolution, which makes up for any shortcomings in the logic.
without exposing the entire story I cant really debate you on this. I know there is supposed to be a multitude of meaning here but the bases of the story itself is answered at the end.

Might sound weird but the fact I grew up in Highschool in the 80s (though not much to do with the storyline) made this movie alot more entertaning to me then someone who is in their early 20s right now. Perhaps its the music or clothes. I just like it.