Does this scene look convincing?

If the knife is an inch higher no one will notice. Here's what I'd do, since I don't do CGI or anything like that.

You have the half knife behind the ear. If you position him correctly, you just have it there. No tape, no nothing. Basically his ear and skull are keeping it wedged to the ground.

Then you do a take behind the killer who grabs the knife and pushes the body over.

Then you do a take where he brings the full knife in view. If you edit it correctly, it will look like he's pulling it out. Just be sure to have plenty of blood on the blade.

This seems like exactly what I did though, isn't it? The knife is behind the ear, and if I cut it right, it then skips to being pulled out.
Here's a quick/easy tip to go along with what everyone else has recommended - pull a little harder, but with some added resistance. The knife would be wedged in there pretty deeply in muscle and tissue if it were really buried to the hilt.
This seems like exactly what I did though, isn't it? The knife is behind the ear, and if I cut it right, it then skips to being pulled out.

You have it behind his head.

The half blade should sit directly behind the ear and the floor will wedge it in place. It's like when they used to have a knife in the back. Obviously, it's a partial blade. That's the exact look you're going for. You can't dummy that with angles. At least none I can think of.
Okay thanks. I can see that with a knife with a guard on it, cause the guard pushed the knife off the floor, and lines the blade up with the head. However will it still look real if I do it with half a knife, from my knife, since mine does not have a guard, and therefore, lays completely flat?
Do you have a closeup of the guy in the doorway? You could do a cutaway to his reaction, then a sound effect of the knife coming out of the skull.

The shot is missing the sound effect and that could fix alot of the problem.
Do you have a closeup of the guy in the doorway? You could do a cutaway to his reaction, then a sound effect of the knife coming out of the skull.

The shot is missing the sound effect and that could fix alot of the problem.

knightly makes a good point, if all else fails, go with that, sometimes what isnt seen is just as effective as what can be seen, and you dont want the effect of that shot being taken away by the fakeness of it.

Also if possible, I would recommend having the blood squirt out while the blade is being withdrawn, this way it will distract the audience from actually focusing on the knife being taken out, it kinda covers it
K I will. So for next time, I will do what the other person did on this forum and saw my other sharp knife in half which I did not use, and dull it. However, how do I make the other full knife that's been dulled, look convincingly sharp in the close ups?
Here's the scene from Us Sinners. It'll give you an idea of how music/sound effect/acting and blood can help out. The regular knife is dulled.
Ask yourself the question.

The knife is suppose to be going into the back of his head, diagonally through the side sort of. You don't see the knife go into the back of his head in the previous shots, but it's implied in the angles. I tried a lot of takes to make the aftermath shot look convincing, but that was my best one unfortunately. Does it look convincing, or does it look fake, and I need to redo it? Thanks.


my questiion is: #1 Why is the guy pulling the knife out of the dead guy's head in the first place???
#2 please could you let me have a look at the scene before this one, then I can give an opinion on alternative angles that may work well for you....

The knife in the head does NOT look fake at first, although it would be obvious the dead guy's head is on top of the knife.... however, the ACTOR pulling the knife out makes it look fake by moving the knife too much, and the dead guy's head doesn't move realistically. If a knife was being pulled out from his head, his head would also pull in the same direction.
"my opinion"

why not add anothernangle i.e. from the dead guy's uper body, looking at the pull of the knife.

Eugene D G Thomas
I don't have another angle to add, but I can cut to a look on the actor's face by the door. I shot this scene quickly cause of time constraints. I am trying to edit the scenes before it to make it look more convincing. I might have to redo the actual stabbing to match better. None of my stab scenes, match my post stab scenes, unfortunately.
When he has his fist pressed into him, it doesn't even look like he is holding a knife, but just making a fist though.

That's because he's gripping the knife so tight. It's a matter of intent, intensity. My favorite shots are of him gripping the guy's shoulder. It looks like he's gonna break his collar bone. Yet in reality, he was being very gentle.

Thanks Paul!
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Yes it is a pretty good scene. Thanks people for the suggestions. Since we're on the subject, I got another question when it comes to faking violence. In some movies, you will see a guy throw another guy into a really hard object, on a wall, often. They do it all in one shot without cutting away. How do they do that?
The big thing I notice, because again I did it. Immediately after he kills this guy he goes inside grabs the girl and slams her up against the wall. Then you don't see it, but he kicks the wall. I didn't want him putting his foot through the sheet rock, so it was just a sound effect.

You can look like you're hitting a wall hard and it still won't make any noise. But, the sound effect of hitting the wall really creates the illusion. Sound is almost as important as the visuals in violent scenes.

Having shots thought out and how you want your actors to land also help. Actors will practice how to slap a face just so they don't really hit the person.
Okay thanks. What if I cut that scene at 0:07? :06 is pretty quick, and I like how they guy at least grabs the other side of the dead guy's head before cutting away.
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