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Do YOU have a deck?

Deck folks...that reads D.E.C.K...get your mind our of the gutter.


Many filmmakers try and pitch their movie around, but they don't have a 'DECK'...most newbies don't know what a deck is. And that's OK! I'd love to help out!

A 'deck' is a series of pages either in print format, digital, or both, that houses a breakdown of a film you're looking to get funded. It tells about the story, the cast involved, the above-the-line, the poster...cool images and catchy phrases. If there is any name talent involved, this is a good place to showcase that. Producers use the deck to show potential investors to get them excited about the project. And give them money!

Enter shameless self promotion man!

I would love to design your decks and posters my finely-feathered filmmakers! My rates are super duper affordable.

Hit me up!



ps. This post is for you guys alone. Please don't use or share the deck information in any way. This movie is still being produced. Thank you in advance.
Decks are very common in branded content as part of a pitch to a client, like "We need a Revlon deck to pitch to NBC." Haven't seen this exact approach in film. Good luck!
Ya, it's becoming more and more prevalent. Similar to a deck, is what is sometimes called a 'Look Book'...sometimes these only featured wardrobe or location...but I'm seeing decks a lot now with production companies looking to get investors involved.
I haven't heard of a deck before either, but a lookbook is familiar. I even put one together for my next feature by taking screen grabs from movies that have the look I'm going for, be it camera angles, color grade, locations etc... Super useful to have, I can imagine this deck concept being useful too.
Buscando--if I have all of the correct information from the producing team, I can put the first draft together in a few days. Then it's about tweaking here and there for another few days. Then depending on who joins (or leaves) the team, I add or remove from there.

Some people keep their decks super simples, like a PowerPoint presentation...I like to add some nice flavor.