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Distributor seeks films


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Lucine is an indie distribution company with 17 marketing and sales representatives worldwide. We also produce 1-2 features a year and do co-financing. Please visit Lucine website to learn more about our company and us.

If any of your member filmmakers seek worldwide distribution, please contact us.

Vahe Mansourian
Lucine Distribution
Nice that they want to distribute and are asking for pictures. I want them to prosper and thrive. I wonder how long they will take an open call for submissions.

About the site. All of the films in production (5) are written or directed by "Vahé Mansourian". I am a little dubious about their ability to coproduce if they are investing in 5 pics, but.. sure, they could probably distribute an existing pic through their international reps, why not.

Their web site design is pretty bad.. but this is also true of many other distribution companies. What really matters is the rep's ability to get the pics into the video store chains..
It seems to me like they produce thier own movies, but have a distribution network for other filmmakers... seems legit, and pretty well done.
I might consider these guys highly when I get around to my short compilation... unless my market turns out only to be that 12 year old guy from my hometown who actually showed up to an extra-call that we posted. (He was the only response to the postings, and showed up at location an hour before the call time, and a half-hour before we did)... lol... and then his scene was re-done!! lol

i offer my film for co-production or pre-sale

I have visit your site, and want to answer here in forum, I am now on the search for pre-sale or co-production of my horror and mystery movie :

the JUNGLE SPIRIT film's synopsis site

it take few weeks only and we starts with shooting. The product placements are welcomen too. Please contact me from the site SSL connection, thanks a lot.

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