I have an idea to try and help Indie Film makers of which I am one, to monetise their films a bit better. The current set-up of needing a distributor to get onto certain platforms, then the distributor wanting all of your IP for free then relying on them to pay you when the contract allows for unexpected costs/surchagres and no direct reporting of performance is predatory. The problem being:
1) Others in my position have gone onto abuse filmmaker (Distribber)
2) Film makers are either looking for or already in distribution arrangements they can't get out of.
I want to start a co-operative of sorts with info sharing and a unique idea for monetisation but I am trying to gauge interest. Is this something people would want to see and play a part in ?
1) Others in my position have gone onto abuse filmmaker (Distribber)
2) Film makers are either looking for or already in distribution arrangements they can't get out of.
I want to start a co-operative of sorts with info sharing and a unique idea for monetisation but I am trying to gauge interest. Is this something people would want to see and play a part in ?