Distribution FAQs REQ

Hello all Indie Folks! can we have a comprehensive distribution FAQs?
One main reason I want to know is I am planning to produce my own movies. (I have over 5 years' experience in top Advertising agencies as a creative, took a sabattical, went to Film School for 4 years, majored in Cinematography, and now shoot/produce/direct).
I am putting together a small sum of money, pooled from various businessmen friends and want to make my own movies. I want to make sure I tap the full potential of distribution..Threatre, Satellite, DVD, Internet etc...

My moves will be Indian Language ones. I am ALSO looking at the VAST number of expatriate Indians, worldwide.
Funny thing is, India has over 30 languages and some 300 dialects. So there is a small film industry and a small audience for each language!

I also want to know if you guys can suggest some DVD distrubutor who is trustworthy, and who will distribute foreign language (read: Non-English) DVDs happily, worldwide.

any suggestions/advice will be most welcome. please assume I know nothing.
I have, but i have no experience or even knowledge of domestic (the States) or worldwide distribution of non-english independent movies. Even looking through my past issues of the Hollywood Reporter's AFM issue I don't see many distributors of non-english independent movies so I couldn't even point you in the right direction.

Looks like you're got your work cut out for you. A whole new market.
You reach them the same way you reach anyone. Do your research - look for other Indian Language movies that have gotten distribution and look at the poster or DVD box for the company that distributed them. Check the on line search engines for the titles of Indian Language movies - with some research you will find the name of the distributor. You them reach them by making a phone call.

Something to think about: very few distributors are interested in a movie that is about to be produced unless you are an established producer with a track record. The first thing they will ask is to see your finished movie. Do you research before you make your movie, but I suggest you don't contact them until it's finished.

At least that's the way it works here in the States with English Language movies. It may be different in other countries. When are you going to shoot your movie?