Disconnected - Production Thread

Well guys, this is our biggest production yet and it's quite exciting to say the least for us over here.
The basic synopsis is the president and government officials go into hiding and all communication has been cut. Which includes cell phones, internet, radio, tv, you name it. Everyone starts freaking out because there is an unknown threat but officials never say what it is. All they say is stay home. Of course chaos ensues as people are running away but don't really know where to go. We got the local tv station to do a fake report and a radio station to do the same. I was looking to get a very specific feel of anxiety throughout the film - and it was very important to do so. Anyways in the next couple of days you'll see screenies and the official poster.

Also THE LIGHT OF EDEN thread will be here in the next 2 weeks with the final release date being mid-October, and Early September for DISCONNECTED.

I agree, it sounds awesome.

I always thought that the lack of communication was the most interesting part of Die Hard 4, thank god someone ran with that idea, but took it to a much larger scope.
I agree, it sounds awesome.

I always thought that the lack of communication was the most interesting part of Die Hard 4, thank god someone ran with that idea, but took it to a much larger scope.

Hey guys, i need some feedback so whomever wants to see the first 4 minutes of the film and write a short review on the film PM me. I will send the secret link to the first 5 PMs. Cheers! (the review must be written on this thread on indietalk)

Movie to be released in a week and a half!
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A beginning so full of promise that i wish this movie was playing in theaters right now so i could go and watch it.

In the last decade we've had a slew of post apocalyptic movies invade the film scene and though most are entertaining enough, very few of them have left a lasting impression. Right from the get go, Disconnected engages the audience and seems to take a very different angle on the post apocalyptic genre. Though loss of communication is almost always a result in these movies, Disconnected starts with the President shutting off all communication across the country on purpose, going into hiding and leaving the briefest message for the public which says to trust him. This setup tantalizes the curiosity within and begs questions such as what has happened, why would the president do this and what is coming next.

The hook is set and it is set well. I only hope the promise is fulfilled with follow through worthy of the beginning. I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie.

Advice and questions for FCRabbath:

Where did you spend those 20 dollars?

Why would the DOW go up by 3 points if news about shutdown of communications has been announced? Shouldnt it crash instead?

I understand style of the look but the rays of the sun at the beginning have so little movement, it seemed like a still picture to me. There was a tiny bit of movement in the light but just a little more might lift it up a bit.

Is this a short or a feature?

Though usually i think the shaky jittery cam does not lend too much to the subject matter, it seems to work very well here considering the chaos we're going through.
I'm sorry but I have to ask... How does the president have control over all communication? Phones and internet are universal. What gives him say? Doesn't that violate our constitutional right? Why would news stations want to cut off communication anyway? Where do you even start? Why are satellite phones not working? I am just having a very hard time grasping this concept. Can you elaborate more?
Advice and questions for FCRabbath:

Where did you spend those 20 dollars?
GAS we carpooled as much as possible.

Why would the DOW go up by 3 points if news about shutdown of communications has been announced? Shouldnt it crash instead?
They JUST heard this meaning it's not immediately.

I understand style of the look but the rays of the sun at the beginning have so little movement, it seemed like a still picture to me. There was a tiny bit of movement in the light but just a little more might lift it up a bit.
I shall try!

Is this a short or a feature?
Right now a short, however if we get proper funding it could easily be converted.

Though usually i think the shaky jittery cam does not lend too much to the subject matter, it seems to work very well here considering the chaos we're going through.'

thank you for watching!
I'm sorry but I have to ask... How does the president have control over all communication? Phones and internet are universal. What gives him say? Doesn't that violate our constitutional right? Why would news stations want to cut off communication anyway? Where do you even start? Why are satellite phones not working? I am just having a very hard time grasping this concept. Can you elaborate more?

Haha your ASKING the important questions that the people in the film are asking and saying. Basically they cut service to that part of the world depending on whats going on. Of course this is not exactly COMPLETELY possible to cut everything, but the majority of the people would be lost. Not everyone has satellite phones. Did you read the article?

I still have 4 slots left if anyone else wants to see it!

thanks for commenting and watching guys!
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I'm sorry but I have to ask... How does the president have control over all communication? Phones and internet are universal. What gives him say? Doesn't that violate our constitutional right? Why would news stations want to cut off communication anyway? Where do you even start? Why are satellite phones not working? I am just having a very hard time grasping this concept. Can you elaborate more?

It's called suspension of disbelief!
Well, I don't know where to start with this. I've loved all of your shorts that i've seen, and it's an honour to have seen a preview of DISCONNECTED.

I could tell from the very opening scenes that this would be amazing. The use of V.O gets the situation across quickly and efficiently, but doesn't detract from the story at all. I felt more like I was watching a trailer than an opening, primarily because of the lack of dialogue in the second half of the clip, and also because of the intense soundtrack accompanying the images.

I'm not sure whether the actual movie is going to be more character focussed perhaps, as the clip really doesn't give away any clues in that regard. To be honest, i'm not sure if i would prefer a focus on specific characters, as we get a broader sense of the looming disaster, by meeting a huge range of people as shown in the clip. For example, the contrast between the families, rushing to their cars with bags packed, compared to the mob with signs who beat down a police officer. I love that contrast, and it really gave us a sense of widespread chaos. Then again, if it was character focussed, i'm sure it would still be amazing, especially with your experience of character-focussed shorts.

How do you make your work look so professional? The photography, colouring and sound is perfect. It all combined to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

If somebody said to me that this was a trailer for a feature film, I would pay to see it tonight. It's a damn shame that you're not making money from this, but I really believe that's where you'll be one day.

Other things I liked about the clip:

The newsreader scenes. The deserted buildings, knocked over chairs. The smooth pans. The disregarded mobile phones.

I really don't know how you do it. I'll be getting the word out to all of my film-buff friends to keep an eye out for DISCONNECTED.

Here is the only negative thing for me: The exploding building. Understandably on your budget, you can't go around blowing up buildings. But the graphics, though very good, looked a bit cartoonish. Maybe you could try to enhance that, because I do think it adds to the development of the situation.

That's a very small negative though, compared to the pure awesomeness of the entire thing.

Thanks again for the opportunity to watch this.
I'm sorry but I have to ask... How does the president have control over all communication? Phones and internet are universal. What gives him say? Doesn't that violate our constitutional right? Why would news stations want to cut off communication anyway? Where do you even start? Why are satellite phones not working? I am just having a very hard time grasping this concept. Can you elaborate more?

idk what FCRabbath has planned in the movie but they refer to a 'Kill Switch.'

Perhaps numerous large EMP devices distributed over the country...
I thought it was really well done...even better than I expected to be quite honest. The beginning setup with the VO was perfect, and bringing the camera into space while that was being said was very fitting.

The excitement and intensity of the idea played-out very well through your choice of shots and editing, and the music was a great choice to compliment the theme as well.

I also thought the interior newscast was really well done, and I completely believed the actor and what was being said.

I'm very impressed with the production value. How did you get the newsroom, and how did you get the police bike?

Great work, as usual.