Disconnected - Production Thread

I've been saying for years that in micro-budget film, the biggest equation we use is Time=Money. If Time does indeed equal Money, these guys spent alot of time on this production as it looks as if they had a Hollywood budget. Emergency response personnel and vehicles, empty cities and a mass exodus make this thriller worth taking a look at. If the story holds the promise presented here, Hollywood has alot to fear in the near future - Either that or FCRabbath productions has a contract waiting for them under one of the studios.

This is an epic piece of what I hope is an epic film.
Wow. Quite frankly, I'm blown away by the awesomeness. If the rest of the movie is as good as the beginning, this will be a very successful short.

The first four minutes basically amount to a musical montage, and it's one of the better montages I've seen, indie or not. Every shot is informative and engaging, giving the audience a quick and dirty perspective of the context of the world they are about to dive into. And I, personally, want to take that plunge -- more than anything else, this beginning demands the viewer's attention.
Here are some behind the scenes pics.






We mostly had one crew member, and sometimes two unfortunately. It was a very scarce set.
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Amazing... how much preproduction time, production time, post time and final running time?

A day of planning.

4 days of filming.
and of course random hours of filming through a week.
Saturday 1 to 2:30
Just for randoms shots.

OVERALL it took about 34 hours to film.

Editing will take a week.

FILM will range from 18 min to 25. Depending if i keep a few scenes.
Sorry for the delay folks, just finished up with dinner and wanted to watch it again before posting.

So I'm 50/50 on this as of right now.

The first couple shots are really good. Loved the space shot with the broadcast voice over.

Some things turned me off however.

A single cop going to make an attempt to control a riot. I dunno about that. At least how it played out anyways. I don't know of any officer who would take on a situation like that alone. Most routine traffic stops always happen with backup these days.

I also don't know how I feel about people fleeing their homes. I mean, they have no reason to run in my opinion. Losing telephone, tv and internet wouldn't warrant a mass panic to pick up and leave their houses. Again, this is just my opinion. I think there would have to be something of bigger magnitude. I can see if there was a situation where they will be harmed physically if they stayed in their homes but from what I saw this doesn't seem to be the case.

Not sure if this is the opening 4 minutes of the film or not... If this was just a mash-up of scenes I could see this working as a montage of clips or something. Don't know how I feel about this being the first initial 4 minutes though.

On the other hand and a more positive light of things your camera work is pretty good. You got some great shots whether it be run and gun filmmaking or getting permission to use the locations in your film... You definitely have some talent for being in your mid twenties.

I'd watch this for sure when it becomes avail.

Keep up the awesome work.

How did you get that space shot? Still images moving ever so slightly? Did you throw on that effect that makes things look miniature? Or is that legit video stock footage?
Hey thanks for watching, yeah the space shot i made on after effects from scratch, and trick photography.

YOU SAID, and i'll respond in bold -
Some things turned me off however.

A single cop going to make an attempt to control a riot. I dunno about that. At least how it played out anyways. I don't know of any officer who would take on a situation like that alone. Most routine traffic stops always happen with backup these days.
This was kind of the point that he could not call for backup since communication was impossible not to mention they were spread thin.

I also don't know how I feel about people fleeing their homes. I mean, they have no reason to run in my opinion. Losing telephone, tv and internet wouldn't warrant a mass panic to pick up and leave their houses.
VERY TRUE, however, most people do not think like this. When they hear a threat. Kind of the message of the film about being scared of the unknown. It's not because the internet is down that they run but it's because they DON'T know anything and if the president went into hiding why not them. Very post 9/11 headset.

Again, this is just my opinion. I think there would have to be something of bigger magnitude. I can see if there was a situation where they will be harmed physically if they stayed in their homes but from what I saw this doesn't seem to be the case.

Not sure if this is the opening 4 minutes of the film or not... If this was just a mash-up of scenes I could see this working as a montage of clips or something. Don't know how I feel about this being the first initial 4 minutes though.
Well it is a short and i wanted the chaos to be as real as possible and just have everyone watch this and stew in it, before the characters come in and the audience has the lingering anxiety from the initial 4 minutes.

Again thanks for watching.
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Hi FCRabbath and thanks for sharing this premiere with me too. As i see it, this is the intro of the movie, and the action is in the aftermath of all this happening. However i hope you introduce the actors well, because that moment could mean disaster if done bad. But i have faith in you and your work.

Overall i like it a lot, good job so far!

I'll rant with what i think it should be improved, because that takes less time than pointing what i liked.

- when shooting the crowd leaving the senate, their face reactions makes me wonder what should i understand from that, because they are not frightened nor serious enough or in a specific hurry.

- i didn't get why there would be fire on buildings. If this is related to what caused the communication to go down maybe we should have seen it, to understand the threat better. If this is a consequence of people being scared and destroying things than i think you should see some real video material (and maybe get to use it) of what mass people do when they are scared. Some better shots maybe would be with people down the streets stealing from the deserted shops and running all over the place, creating chaos.

- your CG shots can be seen for 3 reasons:
a) they have always a big layer of smoke/haze all over the screen, and it's unnatural.
b) they have less light in them.
c) the fire/smoke doesn't have enough detail
The wide shot with the buildings in smoke has all of the 3 problems stated above. The shot next to that is almost perfect but you need to tone up the light in the shot. It's unrealistically low.

- the cop scene. That is the only scene that takes the awesome feeling i have till that moment in the film. Until that moment there was a greater scale. We have the earth scene, we have action from the White House, we have television guy talking to a whole country, we have people all over the place doing things, but than we transcend to a local problem with a riot made out of what, 10 people? It doesn't look that serious, and why is this so important to see? Also the way the cop gets beaten makes it even worse. We could have seen some violence there because it would be called for.

Maybe things would be more natural if the cop drives on the road, he sees people stealing and destroying things, he steps off the bike, he attempts to call on the radio for help, but he makes a gesture to make us understand that his radio is not working, he than decides to interfere alone, and than he brutally gets beaten. This is just a suggestion, but i think something needs to be done to this sequence because it takes away the professional feeling we get that far.

Overall this are my only complaints. You are doing a fantastic job. I love the rest, especially the music you have chosen to use.
I totally understand the panic in the movie, since the president himself is hiding that must mean a lot.

I beg you make a making-of out of this.

Good luck!
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