I'm not sure where to post this, but...
Hello. While watching behind-the-scenes footages of movies during shooting, I've noticed (especially after I bought the Life Aquatic DVD) that directors tend to call out directions to the actors or camerapersons whilst acting is occuring. Being a filmmaker myself, I thought "Gee, that would be really convienent!". But, I came to a haunting question: what about what the director says? I guess my question is: Do they take out the callouts from the director in post, and if so how do they still maintain the original audio? Or do the mics just not pick up on the callouts? I'm quite confused
Hello. While watching behind-the-scenes footages of movies during shooting, I've noticed (especially after I bought the Life Aquatic DVD) that directors tend to call out directions to the actors or camerapersons whilst acting is occuring. Being a filmmaker myself, I thought "Gee, that would be really convienent!". But, I came to a haunting question: what about what the director says? I guess my question is: Do they take out the callouts from the director in post, and if so how do they still maintain the original audio? Or do the mics just not pick up on the callouts? I'm quite confused