Director / Writer / Musician from Belfast, Northern Ireland


I used to go on cinematography forums and the likes quite a bit a few years back but my workload has built up to a ridiculous extent over the past while and I haven't visited these places in some time.

Anyway, I am first and foremost a solo artist / producer (of music) but also write films and direct my own videos, shorts etc...

I love super 8 and Polaroid but am also loving working with DSLR technology and stop motion.

I like penguins and ducks and tea.


I used to go on cinematography forums and the likes quite a bit a few years back but my workload has built up to a ridiculous extent over the past while and I haven't visited these places in some time.

Anyway, I am first and foremost a solo artist / producer (of music) but also write films and direct my own videos, shorts etc...

I love super 8 and Polaroid but am also loving working with DSLR technology and stop motion.

I like penguins and ducks and tea.


Stay close my fellow NI man, they have Americans and Canadians around here... :D