director and dp?

Alright i have only recently started getting into film/movie making. I was wondering can a director also be the Dp? I really like operating a camera but also i would like to direct my work. Would people see that as amature if the Director was also the Dp? Thanks for any info!
I can't imagine you're putting nearly as much time and thought into lighting that a dedicated DP would.

Admittedly, lighting has been a week spot of mine, so I've been reading stuff like "Painting With Light," by John Alton - a black and white cinematographer. However, looking through the camera is what is helping me improve that! If I have a strongpoint, it is contrast and shadows. I don't want to repost all these lighting examples again, but have a look at this thread - about 20 photos from scenes I've lit, along with brief explanations.


What is useful about the thread is that I discuss how you can get a lot with just a single light source, so most indies can benefit from the info. If you are looking through the camera, you can usually get a lot of variation, just by where you place your subject in relation to the keylight:

Examples of lighting, using only the sun:



Once Reyna is in the cave, a small reflector was used for a fill:



A couple of thoughts… the Director of Photography doesn't have to be the operator, so there's no reason why you couldn't have a DoP to handle lighting, filtration, exposure etc. while you're directing the actors and then you take his position at the camera during a take. Secondly - if you're set on being Director and DoP (and I can see why you want to), don't underestimate the usefulness of a good gaffer. Even if you have your lighting plan down to the last inch, having someone to coordinate the logistics of moving, setting up and breaking down equipment (while keeping to a schedule) will be invaluable, and allow you more time to work with the actors.