Digital video game sales are up, console sales are down.

So says the LA Times. This is also true for movies, which is why the article is relevant. The frightening thing for aspiring moguls is that the revenue for downloaded movies is in the pennies, while that for DVD's is in the dollars. This will put further pressure on indie film production.
The frightening thing for aspiring moguls is that the revenue for downloaded movies is in the pennies, while that for DVD's is in the dollars. This will put further pressure on indie film production.

Is that such a bad thing, though? Imo, there's such a huge influx of crap movies being made that it needs some thinning out.
First of all this is not data that can be compared and therefore the article is void.
Digital use is on the increase because game companies are releasing digital versions of their games alongside physical copies through platforms such as Steam. Please remember that selling a digital copy of a game gives you a much higher return % because you cut out a few of the middle-men, you don't have to pay to create packaging and you don't have to pay for transport+stock i.e. distribution.

Next you should consider that the quality of AAA titles has been decreasing noticeably while indie games have been more and more popular (Minecraft for example). So maybe the "big players" in the industry are losing but it is because of bad business practice (closing totally viable game studios for pure profit instead of long term investment in products and game IPs) and the silly idea that graphics can replace game-play. Indie games tend to lean towards better game-play and so are more and more likely to draw attention because they are offering what people want.

So to conclude, what we are seeing in the game industry is not a decline in general, just a shift, just like in the music industry. The "big players" are just not willing to let their positions die yet though, and so they're bitching to the press about how the little people are hurting them and the media is eating it up. But I digress, the point is, this is a good thing.